Cidien, i wouldn't say why because i thought it was pathetic and quite right lame how he killed the jedi off.. it was "weak" IMHO. But overal great movie.
I heard the TV show will focus on minor characters (which is a bit obvious as I doubt they would cast new actors to play Obi Wan etc). From some of the old books I read as a kid im sure Tarrful (?) the other surviving wookie has a good story... I can't wait for the TV series. I used to be against all new versions of Star Wars but after watching Revenge of the Sith I wouldn't mind if Lucas changed the original trilogy again as long as the original un-touched versions come out. I wouldn't mind seeing the new actors in them and stuff. Someone told me Lucas has said he is thinking of playing around with them again for his planned boxset with all 6 movies in. They should do what they did with the Alien boxset that has like two versions of the same film on one disc (seamless branching I think they use). Then I'd be happy... (Although I have my bootleg definitive version dvd set anyway!)
Schultz Wrote:Cidien, i wouldn't say why because i thought it was pathetic and quite right lame how he killed the jedi off.. it was "weak" IMHO. But overal great movie.
I think there coulda been a little more drama and Anakin should have taken out more jedi then a surprised windu and a buncha children....
Other than that it happened basically as I hoped it would.
I thought his transition from Jedi to Sith was a little abrupt. He kept saying "but that's against the jedi code, blah blah blah," then suddenly takes an abrupt about face and kneels before Palpatine. They were building it up nicely, but I think that scene could have been done better. The acting wasn't terrific, but I think Anakin did a better job in this one than in 2.
It made me happy that the final lightsaber fight between Obiwan and Anakin didn't look CG at all!

It pisses me off when something looks too CG. Most of the CG force moves just don't quite look right... but that battle was great! They actually looked like they learned swordsmanship for the scene!
They did learn swordsmanship for the scene. Buy the star wars trilogy dvd set and watch the extras disc that covers episode iii. They spent days practicing those few minutes of swordplay.
changes like anakin to darth are sometimes like that someone can say no i shouldn't a few times then all of a sudden throw it all away and dedicate himself to that. Considering how dedicated he was to the light side it would only make sense that he would dedicate himself to the dark side in the same way.
As far as only a few scenes showing him killing a few children and the sepertists i think it was done well first of all if he was killing off a hundred people the children and sepertists would become a statistic and by only killing a few it establishes him as an assassin type ruler to the extent that he doesen't waste his time with people he doesen't need too
Well there is a ray of hope. If you are wondering how many Jedi Knights or Masters "Vader kills" you can play the video game or wait for the extended movie. This has like 45 minutes of cut footage because Lucas doesn?t like movies that run longer than 2 1/2 hours.
* Spoiler * Highlight to read.
As for the transformation of Anakin into Vader. They built it up nicely and put Anakin into a tough spot. He sat there in the Jedi council chambers just going over and over if he made the right decision. Then there is the only man that (he believes) can help him save his wife from death and Mace is about to kill him. Anakin in his last attempt to stay a Jedi begs Mace not to kill the Sith Lord. But mace knows that if the Sith Lord lives all will fall. Face with losing the chance to save his wife or be a Jedi he made a choice. After killing Mace he had no choice he couldn't go back and be a Jedi. But he still wanted to learn how to use the Force.
* End Spoiler *
Now I have a question did Anakin kill his wife or did she die of a broken heart?
morgorath Wrote:Now I have a question did Anakin kill his wife or did she die of a broken heart?
* End Spoiler *
Either way he killed in her some way.. So in the end he killed her.. if he never turned she would of probably lived..
Also i edited your post so that a person has to highlight to read the spoiler.. Makes them have to actually do it themselves if they wish to read it.
morgorath Wrote:Now I have a question did Anakin kill his wife or did she die of a broken heart?
I'd say it wasn't directly him but The Emperor made him believe it was all his fault as part of his final transition to the Dark Side...
Well lets see, I saw it and all I can say is, more green muppet action. Yoda rocked and his fight was een tighter than episode 2. I liked this movie, kind of sad but oh well.
Also to add on that.. (Own Thinking BTW) Is that the Emperor told him that also to think that she died and that the baby didn't survive. Because you know that if he thought that she had actually given birth that he would hunt down and attempt to find his baby not caring about what The Emperor says because the reason he turned to the dark side was to save her..
Schultz thanks for the highlight option. I will have to use it in the future.
I think it was also the fact that Yoda and Obi-won pulled one past the Emperor. With the help of the Senator that took Leia they were able to fool the republic into believeing that She died with out giving birth.
morgorath Wrote:Now I have a question did Anakin kill his wife or did she die of a broken heart?
I have a theory to that...
Im pretty sure that the Emporor staged the dreams, if he CAN do that, do make Anikan desperate enough to turn to the power of the Sith for help to save her. This transition also insured her death in a way, because the Emporor must have known that she wouldnt live on without Anikan.. I dunno. Just my theory.
When I watched it I thought she was being tortured because anakin turned to the dark side in the first place. By trying so hard to save her he ensured she would die. To save her, he should have listened to Yoda.
What I thought when I watched it anyways.
Cidien Wrote:When I watched it I thought she was being tortured because anakin turned to the dark side in the first place. By trying so hard to save her he ensured she would die. To save her, he should have listened to Yoda.
What I thought when I watched it anyways.
Yeah, if he listened to Yoda, Anakin wouldnt have had to kill anyone, and Palpatines powers really wouldnt have swayed him, not without the one he loved at risk. My guess is that she would have had the babies and then things would have returned to normal. If they ever where really considered normal. :confused:
Haha. Im ranting.