05-10-2005, 06:37 PM
05-11-2005, 09:12 AM
Eventhough ep 2 bored me and all my friends who went to the theater with me (about 7) to death. At first I didn't even know ep 3 is coming out, and wasn't looking forward to it. Then I saw the trailor and saw Darth Vader! The movie can't go wrong since it has Darth Vader!
so I am gonna see it, can't wait till the 19.

05-11-2005, 11:00 PM
I'm wondering if the black dude will voice darth vader. I say the black dude cuz I can never remember his name lol. The guy from field of dreams. He's halarious in that movie...
"I'm going to beat you with this crowbar!"
"Wait! You can't, you're a pacifist!"
"Oh yeah, crap."

"I'm going to beat you with this crowbar!"
"Wait! You can't, you're a pacifist!"
"Oh yeah, crap."
05-12-2005, 05:22 AM
Cidien Wrote:I'm wondering if the black dude will voice darth vader. I say the black dude cuz I can never remember his name lol. The guy from field of dreams. He's halarious in that movie...
Wow. That's the first time I ever heard anyone refer to James Earl Jones as the black dude that does Darth Vader's voice. I can understand when everyone says the black guy in ghostbusters, but this is James Earl Jones...and to answer your question yes he is doing the voice of Vader.
05-12-2005, 08:16 AM
evilomar Wrote:I can understand when everyone says the black guy in ghostbusters, but this is James Earl Jones...and to answer your question yes he is doing the voice of Vader.
Yeah, he's pretty well known.
It's kinda like asking about the black dude from Pulp Fiction or the white dude from Top Gun.
05-12-2005, 02:22 PM
evilomar Wrote:Wow. That's the first time I ever heard anyone refer to James Earl Jones as the black dude that does Darth Vader's voice. I can understand when everyone says the black guy in ghostbusters, but this is James Earl Jones...and to answer your question yes he is doing the voice of Vader.
Ya, ya - I know the guy when I hear 'em but I never remember his name for some reason. I'm terrible with names.
05-12-2005, 02:59 PM
well..I havnt been to the boards in a while. But I have one thing to say . . .
7 days.
7 days.

05-13-2005, 07:56 AM
My buddy came back from the Navy just in time, cause like me and ten other people are all going to go at once. And Six days left.
05-14-2005, 06:09 PM
I myself am a huge star wars fan even though the original came out 6 years before I was born. I totally love the orignals and like the special editions. I am though a fan of episode 1 and 2, but I do think they could have been better. But you have to realize that Lucas made the originals under budget and technological constraints so episode 1 and 2 are actually closer to Lucas' original visions. I like 3p0 and dont mind jarjar, You have to give lucas credit though because he paved the way for a lot of film makers today, he started ILM and developed his own picture and sound optimizing companies and he made it possible for film makers to be taken seriously even without company backing. I personally can not wait to see anakin become nearly completely mamed during the lava battle. Like i said I like episode 1 and 2, I just think if he had ditched the metechlorine idea and made the battles a bit longer and not have had anakins lines in episode 1 be so forced then they would be perfect.
05-15-2005, 08:47 PM
I wonder if they will make any movies out of the side storys?
05-16-2005, 12:45 AM
I doubt it, but if Lucas made a good boba fett movie I think star wars fans would love him.
He is going to make a tv series though. Said he's going to start in about a year. It's supposed to bridge the gap between ep 3 and 4. Think he said it's going to be live action. Too lazy to search and confirm that though atm.
He is going to make a tv series though. Said he's going to start in about a year. It's supposed to bridge the gap between ep 3 and 4. Think he said it's going to be live action. Too lazy to search and confirm that though atm.
05-16-2005, 07:39 AM
Well a few post ago someone wondered if there was an episode 7. Yes there is... in the form of Books... Star Wars: Jedi Academy Trilogy is the most well know that deals with events right after the end of "Return of the Jedi"
As for side stories Lucas has dabbled in that area before, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is a great side story that fills in some gaps between ESB and ROTJ...
As for side stories Lucas has dabbled in that area before, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is a great side story that fills in some gaps between ESB and ROTJ...
05-16-2005, 11:02 AM
Well the books are a totally different feild. There are books that cover everything from han solo becoming a smuggler to han and leia having a child more powerful than Luke. As far as films are concerned Lucas specifically said that once episode three is released that he would never make anymore movies on star wars. So anything he makes would concern anything that took place between or during the six movies. I personally think that he should not even make a tv series. I think it should end and no one be allowed liscense to make anything, its done leave it alone.
05-16-2005, 12:57 PM
Some of the stories outside the main story arc that have been developed in Star Wars Galaxies have been incredible and would be pretty easy to develop into movies.
Too bad Joss Whedon is my sci-fi hero now...
Too bad Joss Whedon is my sci-fi hero now...
05-19-2005, 01:44 AM
I loved the old movies but think the new ones are only good.
In fact even though ep 3 is good i cant help but feel really really angst about it.Well its good in a if it didnt have the name behind it and the fact i love sci fi i would have said "it kept me entertained"
It is flawed in so many ways.Just a few things to fix when the release a 10th aniversary remake to make it realistic and eighties.
Bring on more story and less crap.
People dont change their beleifs overnight.
Dont make your main characters the worst actors.
Did i mention to stop cging everything like they think thats the way to score awards while throwing millions of dollars away for nothing.
Practicly the entire movie is cg inclueding the characters.DONT
Yoda looked more realistic when he wasnt cg.bring back the puppet
Babies are a real thing.Use that to your advantage instead of paying nerds to make them on a computer.For that matter so are older people.
Fake robotic hands dont need to be cg half the time and real glove the other half.Its sad when the crappy old stylings of darth vaders suit are the most realistic prop in the movie.
Maoris are plentiful here in nz hire some instead of paying nerds to make them in cg.
Learn to animate. people dont move like that.And our motion isnt perfectly smooth.Games have better and more realistic animation.
When animating misting and light dont let the colours wash out and turn parts of the screen white like your being blinded by the sun when your facing a wall.
Show a scene from an actual place.
Did i mention to stop cging everything
When fighting it pays to show a character as a whole watching a persons face,lightsaber or flickering of light mixed in with a bit of both the other 2 gets really boring.
People can do flips.And if they cant just add wires.Wires and crane=cool looking martial art movies.Fake cg people doing a little flip=crappy artist screwing up yet another scene in the movie.
Walls are real.Use them No need for cg walls.Real ones look for some reason a little more .... real.
And dont make me feel like im watching the same story over again as the other later movies with a different darker mood.That goes for the games as well.
Now i dont mean to go on about it but after the first scene when you think that looks nice...everything gets worse because you know the next scene in the movie is still not going to be real.Maybe i was in a weird mood due to the flooding here and e3 being on and ps3 games looking better than alot of scenes(parts,especially some of killzones xplosins and animations for the people,That was way better cg) in the movie.But i started to get to the point where i was looking at the cg for what it was and hunting out all the crap parts of it.Which meant that every moment only disapointed me more.
In fact even though ep 3 is good i cant help but feel really really angst about it.Well its good in a if it didnt have the name behind it and the fact i love sci fi i would have said "it kept me entertained"
It is flawed in so many ways.Just a few things to fix when the release a 10th aniversary remake to make it realistic and eighties.
Bring on more story and less crap.
People dont change their beleifs overnight.
Dont make your main characters the worst actors.
Did i mention to stop cging everything like they think thats the way to score awards while throwing millions of dollars away for nothing.
Practicly the entire movie is cg inclueding the characters.DONT
Yoda looked more realistic when he wasnt cg.bring back the puppet
Babies are a real thing.Use that to your advantage instead of paying nerds to make them on a computer.For that matter so are older people.
Fake robotic hands dont need to be cg half the time and real glove the other half.Its sad when the crappy old stylings of darth vaders suit are the most realistic prop in the movie.
Maoris are plentiful here in nz hire some instead of paying nerds to make them in cg.
Learn to animate. people dont move like that.And our motion isnt perfectly smooth.Games have better and more realistic animation.
When animating misting and light dont let the colours wash out and turn parts of the screen white like your being blinded by the sun when your facing a wall.
Show a scene from an actual place.
Did i mention to stop cging everything
When fighting it pays to show a character as a whole watching a persons face,lightsaber or flickering of light mixed in with a bit of both the other 2 gets really boring.
People can do flips.And if they cant just add wires.Wires and crane=cool looking martial art movies.Fake cg people doing a little flip=crappy artist screwing up yet another scene in the movie.
Walls are real.Use them No need for cg walls.Real ones look for some reason a little more .... real.
And dont make me feel like im watching the same story over again as the other later movies with a different darker mood.That goes for the games as well.
Now i dont mean to go on about it but after the first scene when you think that looks nice...everything gets worse because you know the next scene in the movie is still not going to be real.Maybe i was in a weird mood due to the flooding here and e3 being on and ps3 games looking better than alot of scenes(parts,especially some of killzones xplosins and animations for the people,That was way better cg) in the movie.But i started to get to the point where i was looking at the cg for what it was and hunting out all the crap parts of it.Which meant that every moment only disapointed me more.