05-20-2005, 02:50 PM
05-20-2005, 04:30 PM
gubi-gubi Wrote:True you do have to see it but in all I expected more from that part of the film... Maybe like more scenes of it or whatever...Agree with you gubi-gubi
05-20-2005, 04:46 PM
geo85 Wrote:Ciden I hope you werent aiming that comment at me ( I'm not left ). Any way what does eveyone thats seen it think of the transformation with Anakin? I heard it could have been better.
It's aimed at anyone who thinks he's right wing. He's actually fairly independant. Anyways, lets not turn this into a political thread.

As i've stated for you guys sad there was little vader action, Lucas will begin a star wars tv show in a year that ties episode 3 and 4 together nicely. I guess it's supposed to do what the clone wars cartoon did for ep 2 to 3 except live action.
05-20-2005, 05:13 PM
Cidien Wrote:Are there a lotta lightsaber battles and the hunting down and killing of the jedi?It started off in the middle of a battle. And it was pretty much non stop through out the whole thing.
Whoever coerographed (sp?) the lightsaber battles did an excallent job in this one compared to previous movies..!
05-20-2005, 06:12 PM
katherine_jean Wrote:It started off in the middle of a battle. And it was pretty much non stop through out the whole thing.
Whoever coerographed (sp?) the lightsaber battles did an excallent job in this one compared to previous movies..!
Alright, awesome. =P
I'm wondering now how the jedi are hunted down since people won't say anything lol. I'd assume anakin would lead the clone troopers against and slaughter the jedi. :confused: Well hopefully this new star wars download from torrent spy really is the movie and i'll know in about 5 more hours. If not i'll just wait for the theatre lol.
05-20-2005, 06:56 PM
Has anyone heard who will be the cast for the tv show, and is it really a good idea to make a tv show? To me one thing that made star wars different was that they were all movies so you could see them in the theater which was an experience all its own. What will a tv show do for star wars that movies could not.
05-20-2005, 07:06 PM
Well, I think a tv show makes a little more sense because making a movie called episode 3.5 would sound pretty stupid. As for the actors, that's a pretty silly thing to worry about. It's especially silly considering the tv show is little more than a definite plan in the back of his head right now.
05-20-2005, 07:37 PM
I still think it should end with episode 3.
05-20-2005, 07:58 PM
Then i'm glad it's not up to you.
Star Wars is quite possibly the coolest universe ever created. The only reason they should ever stop making anything star wars is if they make a series based on the gungans starring jar jar binks.
Star Wars is quite possibly the coolest universe ever created. The only reason they should ever stop making anything star wars is if they make a series based on the gungans starring jar jar binks.
05-20-2005, 09:06 PM
star wars III have an super awesome story and action but shity acting and characters
05-20-2005, 10:55 PM
Gah, finally got a good download of the movie, not even of a theatre shoot and the damn thing plays too fast lol. At 3 03 on the movie counter it's played 3 17 so the music and everything just doesn't work quite right. =/ Anyone have any idea if there is a way to fix this? It's an iso file I burned to a dvd.
05-20-2005, 11:29 PM
Never mind! None of my computers players will play it correctly but my philips player works perfectly. I've basically got a vhs quality star wars 3 disc with the runtime numbers spammed across the top. It's still pretty awesome. =P This is definitely one for the theatres.
05-21-2005, 02:05 AM
Just gone done watching it. I have to say, minus a little bad acting, how easily and untormented anakin looked when he joined palpatine and the very little screentime chewbacca got - it's awesome.
Dunno why nobody would say how the jedi were hunted down. Everything in the movie played out almost exactly how I thought it should.
Also, I definitely see the need for the tv show. Vader definitely needs a little more screen time. Going from the end of movie 3 where vader gets his body and steps up on the bridge of an empire ship to attacking his daughters ship in episode 4 is a bit of a gap.
Dunno why nobody would say how the jedi were hunted down. Everything in the movie played out almost exactly how I thought it should.
Also, I definitely see the need for the tv show. Vader definitely needs a little more screen time. Going from the end of movie 3 where vader gets his body and steps up on the bridge of an empire ship to attacking his daughters ship in episode 4 is a bit of a gap.
05-21-2005, 03:17 AM
what did everyone think of the part when Vadar went NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! was it cool or was it cheesy and why?
05-21-2005, 06:43 AM
it was cool, it was just reaffirming to all the people that didnt get the other suttle points through out the movie that the reason he went to the dark side was for Natalie Portman.