Well. As of today, there is 15 days left until episode III.
So, before it comes out, and well, if the thread lasts, after, then how's everyone feeling/expecting out of it?
Im pretty excited myself, Im taking the day off school and going on a trip to the next city. Its like . . . a family gathering.
Sorry if this is old topic, but I felt it was appropriate since theres 15 days..thats 352 hours, and 50 minutes left until the premier of the theater Im going too.
I'll never understand what everyone sees in the Star Wars series. I mean it looks cool I guess,but seeing psionics with energy blades aren't that impressive to me. My buds on the other hand, if one of them heard me say that again, again he would pummel me, not that it would hurt much, but it odes annoy sometimes,whichthen again some times I purposely pee him off so he'll hit me. -_-
ah... my young masochist... you have to understand how the force changed our world. Before Star Wars, science fiction was entirely hokey and slowly paced. Then ILM formed and brought us all the good things we enjoy today.
For a modern comparison think of how much The Matrix changed modern special effects. It was the same sort of quantum leap in film making back then.
I love the original series. However, the only things I thought were good about the first two were the clone wars battle and watching those damn annoying gungans getting killed. Because of this I have high hopes for episode III, but low expectations.
i have heard many people say lucas owes us so it has to be good
i doubt it will be though
im definately not going to see it in the theater unless im going to see it with friends that are all going and to be honest i might not even rent it when it comes out.....
I'll probably go the 3rd or 4th day unless a couple of my friends that for some crazy reason liked the first 2 try hard to get me to go the first day. Then there better be some free popcorn involved.

katherine_jean Wrote:Well. As of today, there is 15 days left until episode III.
So, before it comes out, and well, if the thread lasts, after, then how's everyone feeling/expecting out of it?
Im pretty excited myself, Im taking the day off school and going on a trip to the next city. Its like . . . a family gathering.
Sorry if this is old topic, but I felt it was appropriate since theres 15 days..thats 352 hours, and 50 minutes left until the premier of the theater Im going too.
I bet I'll prolly see it eventually. Most likely, if I don't catch it in theaters, I'll rent it sometime :p .
By the way, sounds like you're quite the enthusiast, KJ.
i will say this thought
the remastered set of star wars episode 4-6 is totally awesome (the boxset)
ok, i am a huge fan of the orriginal movies, the only thing good about the first movie, as ciden said was watching the gungens get slaughterd...as for the second....it was one of the worst movies i had ever seen, well all but the last 15 min, when the massive battle scenes where going on. and damn you cyrus, it was me who said a good 3rd movie is owed to us for the disasters called epasodes 1, and 2...never the less, this will be the last time that you can dress up like a jedi, and get away with it unscared, so i plan on taking full advantage of that by going to the theater in full jedi attier, anyone else?
in reply to you odin your not the only one to say that.....
like 3 of my other friends have said it too i assume most people are really expecting this to be good.
the game looks ok

onizuka17711 Wrote:I bet I'll prolly see it eventually. Most likely, if I don't catch it in theaters, I'll rent it sometime :p .
By the way, sounds like you're quite the enthusiast, KJ.
Enthusiast might be an understatement..
14 more days...!
I wasnt actually too impressed with episode 1. (I really hate Jar Jar) or episode 2. (Good god Anikan angsty, but thats the story of course). Not saying I didnt like them though.
I've been looking forawrd to this since I heard the first episodes where being made. It'll definaty be the most interestign one, and maybe for once when I go, there wont be annoying little kids running around the theater. (Another reason I go during school hours) >.>
Although I enjoyed episode I didn't like episode II at all meaning I'm not at all expecting much from episode III either. I'll be watching it on the 18th 'cause I have tickets for the pre-premiere screening but if it wasn't for those tickets it definitely wouldn't be a priority.
I just grabbed the ps2 game of ep.3. There's supposed to be about 15 min. of the movie in there and a whole lot of plot spoilers. Gonna play it tonight.
I enjoyed the newer movies for their moments. The pod race, the huge battles, the Yoda fight are all scenes you won't forget soon but the overall story could never have matched expectations so you'll always be dissapointed. Unless they take the next leap in specal effects it will dissapoint (and still not match the first 3) but will still be enjoyable for me.
ps. If you like star wars try to play the game Lego Star Wars. It rocks and is one of the funniest games I've played in a while. Its co-op too so alot of fun with a friend.
Yeah... I played the Lego Star Wars game on my PS2 and was pleasantly surprised that the game is actually worth the time to play. My biggest complaint is that there are spoilers for episode 3 in the game. Being able to play all the different characters is awesome.
Has anyone else seen Star Wars Episode 1.5? It's a re-edit of episode 1 done by a fan that almost entirely removes Jar-Jar from the movie and tightens things up all around. If you can find a copy of it and were at all disappointed by Episode 1 then I highly reccomend hunting down a copy.
Now I just wish someone would do the same thing for Episode 2 and remove all the "teen after school special angst" scenes from the movie. The opening chase scene, getting to see the Cloners world, the giant arena fight and watching Yoda kick ass are the parts that made Episode 2 worth seeing.
I just hope that Lucas didn't include too much cutesy kid friendly stuff with episode 3. This should be a dark movie with Anakin going over to the dark side and all the Jedi's dying in droves.
I am not a gung hoe star wars fan.. Have enjoyed them. (I still don't like how everyone singles out Jar Jar but o well) But i have read on a few things that Lucus hired Stevan Spielberg to help him out with parts of episode III.. I will attempt to find out.. I think it was on MSNBC or CNN site about it.. but in the end we will see.. hehe