Zagatto Wrote:I just hope that Lucas didn't include too much cutesy kid friendly stuff with episode 3. This should be a dark movie with Anakin going over to the dark side and all the Jedi's dying in droves.
Good news for you there, no cutesy scenes. Lucas said in an interview its the darkest out of ALL the movies, and Its also the only PG14 rated one. So hopefully he'll kill JarJar and theyll live happily ever after.
Ill play lego Star Wars after I watch episode III. Im getting my tickets tomorrow. <3
Zagatto Wrote:This should be a dark movie with Anakin going over to the dark side and all the Jedi's dying in droves.
What? What is this nonsense about Jedi dying? The Jedi can't die . . . they have the Force on their side.
Vicious Wrote:What? What is this nonsense about Jedi dying? The Jedi can't die . . . they have the Force on their side.
You should check out The Clone Wars. It's a pretty well done cartoon series that takes place between episodes 2 and 3. It introduces General Grevious (the new bad guy for episode 3) as well as shows some awesome scenes of Jedi's in action.
I have to admit that I'm more pumped up about this movie than I was for episode 2.
Zagatto Wrote:You should check out The Clone Wars. It's a pretty well done cartoon series that takes place between episodes 2 and 3. It introduces General Grevious (the new bad guy for episode 3) as well as shows some awesome scenes of Jedi's in action.
I have to admit that I'm more pumped up about this movie than I was for episode 2.
You pretty much summed up all the things I was gong to say. The clone wars animated series sooo awesome; made me excited to see the third episode after the horrible second one.
I thought it was funny how some people were lining up 5 weeks in advance to get tickets. I mean, what do these people do for a living? And would you really want to see the movie with a bunch of people that haven?t showered in 5 (or more) weeks? Those people are losers.
The only other thing I like to add, is that Jar Jar takes way too much heat for the crappyness of episode 1. The totally vacant and lifeless performance of the Skywalker kid should have out-shown anything that annoying klutz shoveled on to the movie.
Naw, I personally think Jar Jar (and gungans in general) took a huge dump on that movie.
And I agree about the not showering thing. Way too many "nerds" need to learn what soap and deoderant is. Them and the new old guy at work. Someone needs to hand that guy a stick of right guard. Oh well, tomorrow is my last day anyways. Now i'm gonna be a baker. 12-8am baby lol.
Revenge of the Sith is supposed to be the darkest Star Wars movie yet. With a rating of PG13, I think we can expect that there will be a lack of cutsy-wutsy stuff and more killing of Jedi and space battles! Anakin was supposedly one of the best fighter pilots that served durning the Clone Wars.
I think the only reason I really am excited about seeing Episode III is to see how well they are able to tie the old films in with the new releases, hopefully it is done well enough so you can watch all 6 films back to back and be able to understand the progression smothly
I just hope it's exactly what I was hoping ep iii was going to be even before ep 1 came out. A lotta badass jedi battles with anakin taking control of the republic and ruthlessly hunting them down. It seems like this would be a given - but too many movies dissapoint when it's obvious from day 1 what they SHOULD do.
Well I feel that this is the movie everyone wanted to see in the first place,but we needed the back story so the people matter more to us. This is the most expesive Star Wars movie to date. I don't see the deal with Jar JAr or the Ewoks for that matter. I think people will be more pissed to see the Wookies get waxed then Jar JAr talking anyday.
Looking forward to the movie and that is a plus.
Nothing wrong with the ewoks. Jarjar is beyond annoying - but what's so bad about the ewoks?
i completely disagree jarjar ruined the first movie and i mean ruined like i never plan to watch it again
then the fact he is a senator on the second one WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways yeah i can do comic relief but when it's just crap it doesen't work
The sad thing is the guy who voiced jarjar is a halarious comedian. I didn't even wanna watch the guy after ep. 1 but when I gave him a chance he's become one of my fav. comedians.
i know how the anxiety can get to someone , its been along time since the first star wars came out ( now hey call it episode 4 - go figure ) We all know how this episode starts and we know how it ends , which kinda kills it-- which makes one wonder what they did to it to make it interesting, which to me means it has to be better than great or it will suck-- wonder if Lucas will ever add to it and make a episode 7 or a episode 0 , ? I guess it depends on how greedy he is ----

puzzleguy Wrote:i know how the anxiety can get to someone , its been along time since the first star wars came out ( now hey call it episode 4 - go figure ) We all know how this episode starts and we know how it ends , which kinda kills it-- which makes one wonder what they did to it to make it interesting, which to me means it has to be better than great or it will suck-- wonder if Lucas will ever add to it and make a episode 7 or a episode 0 , ? I guess it depends on how greedy he is ---- 
*Shivers* I can see it now Star Wars: Rebirth of Darth Vader

puzzleguy Wrote:i know how the anxiety can get to someone , its been along time since the first star wars came out ( now hey call it episode 4 - go figure ) We all know how this episode starts and we know how it ends , which kinda kills it-- which makes one wonder what they did to it to make it interesting, which to me means it has to be better than great or it will suck-- wonder if Lucas will ever add to it and make a episode 7 or a episode 0 , ? I guess it depends on how greedy he is ---- 
They gotta have a lotta badass jedi fights and some awesome space/(hopefully)ground battles. The clones fighting the CIS is the only part of ep 2 I liked. The love story crap has kinda cheesy.