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Its still pending in, I ordered it monday morning, hopefully ill get it tomorrow or saturday but who knows. Ill let you know.
Thanks a lot. I hear it's horrible, then some tell me it's ok, and some say it's great. Who knows? Thanks for the help. :mrgreen:
I finally got around and order:
Berserk (MI)
Lupin III TV: 1 - 24 (MI)
That is another $60 worth of anime to my collection.
Only known about HKDVDs for 2 months and already spent 300 $ US. Gonna stop buying HKDVDs for a little while and start buying manga.
Damn, this hobby of mine is costing me alot of money but it's all good though.
I am doing the same. I have too many things to watch at the moment. All can think about is buying more. 8O 8O 8O 8O
That reminds me of the time my.........What were we talking about again?
This hobby is an expensive one. Although it did get drastically cheaper when I found out about HK DVDs. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O You can't compete with $30 USD for A whole 26 episode series. 8O 8O 8O 8O
My collection is getting so big that I need to buy a DVD tower now. :mrgreen:
I plan to have one entire bookcase of HKDVDs , another one for manga and one more for toys, figures, misc. stuff. 8O
I'm only at one bookshelf now

My manga collection grows and grows. I want to have bookcases full of it. Like Tenchi's father on " Tenchi in Tokyo". I just got episodes 71-79 of One Piece yesterday, and surprizingly enough I haven't watched any of it. I have been watching Dragonball. Or should I say re-watching Dragonball. I am on episode 51. There is just something about that series that drags me back in every time. 8O 8O 8O 8O
I have a huge thing of shelves containing two hundred VHS and 50 some DVDs on top. There is a small book case with some more VHS in it and those classy old VHS cases that look like wood. I have a couple of those. :mrgreen: I'm good for a while the classy cases can hold another 90 VHS. :mrgreen:
I got rid of almost my entire vhs collection(barring fansubs). I took em to this place that buys and sells used tapes and DVD's and music. They gave me $181 dollars for over $2000 dollars of Ranma tapes and another couple grand for other anime. I was screwed literally and figuritively. Sometimes you have to take a loss. In my case it was a huge one. 8O 8O 8O 8O
I would have kept it at that point. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Get one of those inflatable rings. It's best after getting screwed. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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