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I know what you mean, I'm starting to spend every bit of my cash (all but what's saved up to fix this piece of crap computer) on HK anime.
We'll thanks to this place I've been saving my money for HK stuff and not other things but It's for the better anyway!!!! :twisted:
I'm only an amateur. $250 on HK DVD's. *sob*
And r1's, probably only $100
Not where I live, here anime is pointless, & a waste of money. All they do aroud here is drink, smoke pot, hunt, & play paintball.
I don't even want to think about how much money I have spent..
When I get a job hopefully I'll be bale to spend 50-100 a week

I get my Anime money be donating plasma (blood product).
You can donate twice a week for $20 a time. If you do it twice in a week the second time you get payed $30.
$50 a week isn't bad spending money and it only takes about 1 1/2 hrs per donation (good time to read/study). Plus you help save lives, so its a good thing to do.
Too bad not every city has a donation center.
i get my extra anime saving money from donating blood and sperm!!!
:twisted: :twisted:
J/K, but ewwwww anyway!!!
I wanted to donate blood plasma, but there's no place around here. I think the closest is like 30-40 or more miles away.
You have to be a certain age I believe.
Everyone posts so much. Always when I'm away, at football. By the way we killed them. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Fear my hentai tower of doom!
I think I spend around at least 50 bucks on anime a week. I didn't really start buying a lot until I got a DVD player. If it wasn't for HK DVD's though, I'd be missing out on tons of stuff. :?
Quote:Fear my hentai tower of doom!
Well, I have two hentai tower of doom sitting right next to me.
only about $200 on HK dvd's, so can't compete w/ anyone here... but a lot more on R1 dvd's, getting ripped off and all... import saved my life

R1 isn't always expensive. Early Pioneer releases are about $20 and VIZ releases like Key The Metal Idol are priced right.
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