Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 watch....Hellsing....AHHHHHHH!!!
Fushigi Yuugi and Sailor Stars!! Sailor Stars better come out soon!
Take care,
Well, I'm gonna get pt 2 of ranma from fx, and pt 2 of one piece from fx next...
but a completely new series? thats tough.. either Maison Ikkoku or CCS...... either way it's gonna be a decent amount of money x.X
yes....hellsing will truely be awsome....(I hope that I am not taking up to many posts on saying how I want to watch hellsing) :mrgreen:
I'm waiting for Funimation's release of One Piece. Dragon Ball Box 2 comes out this Tuesday. Good times. :mrgreen:
HOOORAAAAAAY :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
i'm waiting Samurai deeper kyo ! It's such a great shonen manga that i'm really curious for the anine. But there's no reviews about it for the moment. So, i must learn patience i think 8)
Quote:Originally posted by "tachibana"
i'm waiting Samurai deeper kyo ! It's such a great shonen manga that i'm really curious for the anine. But there's no reviews about it for the moment. So, i must learn patience i think 8)
I dont know about the MI set, but I'm pretty sure that the AV set is a TV rip which should be avoided like the plague
Quote:Originally posted by "matthewmalay"
tachibana Wrote:i'm waiting Samurai deeper kyo ! It's such a great shonen manga that i'm really curious for the anine. But there's no reviews about it for the moment. So, i must learn patience i think 8)
I dont know about the MI set, but I'm pretty sure that the AV set is a TV rip which should be avoided like the palgue
What do you think about AV in general ? For me, it's the editor i trust the less. It doesn't surprise me about kyo in fact. I will wait for a release about MI. Thanks for the advice

AV is weird. The will either have excellent releases or absolutely the worst junk you'll ever see.

H2 and the EVA perfect set!!!! :mrgreen:
Indeed, Eva perfect set. Ordering it tomorrow.
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