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Online gaming is fun.

Online gaming is awsome especially on xbox live, and oh yeah I just recieved I My Me Strawberry Eggs and the X complete tv bundle and am looking forward ot watching them...
gonna go*slober*
Shut up Ox, nobody likes a bragger -- wait yes they do... WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING!?!?!? :mrgreen:
I'd say that I'm most excited to see Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV and OVA!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Teagan Nash....Captain Tyler is Godly!

Captain Tylor is a really good show. I love the seiyuu in it. :|

I'm looking foward to watching some hentai when I get my shipment. :mrgreen:
Go hentai!

lol, it isn't hentai if it is the hot spings in outlaw star

What if it has tentacles in it? In all the wrong places!!!! :mrgreen:
oh those nauty tenticles, ra ra! (hey you know what, there should be a smily that has tenticles on it when somebody is acting naughty or saying something perertive) ra ra! :mrgreen:
We should have :mrgreen: with tentacles. hehe
yeah, that would be nice. :mrgreen:
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