Frankly, I am getting slightly tired of seeing so many recent discussions about Dragonball related stuff that I feel like bashing it a little on behalf of anti-Dragon Ball crowd. There is enough Dragon Ball info lately here to write a PhD thesis for every member of this board and more. Click click click click click *copying and pasting all the DBZ info found in the forum into a thesis file*......Done. Submitted....Done. Approved by commitee. Yoo hoo! All right, you can start calling me Doctor in DragonBallogy.
I understand that it's one of the most popular anime series ever. What I don't understand is why. Evaluating unbiasedly, its animation is average, overall plot is subpar, homour is average, characters are rather lame and unoriginal, story repeating itself without creativity, excessively long series with lots of filler episodes. Adding all up gives......*gulp* best. Nothing stands out about this anime except popularity. What makes this mediocre anime stand out from heaps of other mediocre animes? It's one of those lives' unsolved mysteries that we'll never be able to fathom.
All you Dragon Ball fanatics, if you feel like defending the honour of your beloved animation, go right ahead. Whatever you say, Dragon Ball is an epitome of mediocrity. Well, popular mediocrity anyway.
Hmm I first saw Dragon Ball 5 years ago in TV. My brother watch it (16 years) and I call him dumb because he watchig those stupid thing. One time I sit and watch it with him. I watch few episodes and it was enough to make me maniac of that series. Now I have 17 years and still love It. I watch many different anime(if not DB I would never known what is anime!!) They were damn good. But none was that interesting like Dragon Ball. I dont think that characters are unoriginal. I think that they are just great. When I saw Broly I was so damn excitet with that character. Animation - yeah it isnt the best (but is great in the latest movies and in few episodes). Humour average?? OMG humour is one of the greatest thing in DB!! (especially in movies). And yeah there are too many non need episodes. But manga DB is so great. I read it 5 times.
Now I'm going to buy all movies from MAC, and all episodes from MI. I think I will be megafan of that series forever.
sorry for mistake in language but I'm from Poland

well i think DBZ is a very good show even though the majority of what ive seen so far has been on cartoon network and pioneer boxsets.
i started watching DBZ the moment it came on the big CN after watching the commercials for it everyday on tooname while waiting for thundercats to come on i 'd say its possibly one of the most excellent anime you can get now even though the sayan saga / namek saga box sets are a little bit on the kiddy side pioneer release i still find them quite enjoyable even by todays standards.
i like DBZ alot more then i will ever like something stupid lke yugioh or beyblade or pokemon or anyother fox kids garbage.
the most hacked up DBZ episdes is better then any of the above mentioned series.
now onto my first purchase of the late great android saga on dvd i had already seen the edited butchered version on cartoon network so i said i owe to it myself to now watch the original uncut version.
this is when i realized holy crap is this what dbz is supposed to be like? thats when i knew i like dragonball even more for its bloody bone crunching trash talking foul mouthed language...
here are some reasons why you dont like DBZ.
1. all you do is watch star trek.
2.all you have seen is the butchered eps on cartoon network.
3.its too much for a person with a small intellect to handle.
4.cuz it dont have any stoopid card players or monsters in a ball. have been ruined by watching the above animes now you think all anime is the same..
or maybe you just dont like because so many more like it more than you do.
anyway ive seen plenty of cartoons and anime to recogonize a good show when i see one.
heres a short list of anime i own and am some of it i am watching right now.
vampire hunter d and blood lust
project a-ko
ninja scroll dragon jem
record of lodoss war tv+ova
ranma 1/2
casshan robot thing i ever seen megaman brought to life!!
slayers the whole series
cowboy bebop
martian succesor nadeisco
boogiebop phantom
street fighter 2 V
robot carnival VHS dubbed OOP
angel links
fist of the north star
dirty pair new series and old movies
i will watch just about any anime series or movies subtitled first then watch it dubbed just to be able to see the action without reading even though i can read super-fast.
thats all
Of course dragonball has rehashed and overused plots. I won't argue with you there... But guess what? It is entertaining. It is like a soap opera. We all know that soap operas are redundant and fake but we love to watch them for the shows.
It's like a car accident it may seem really bad, but it's just something you have to watch. Like surgery on tv you say, "Oh that's gross change it!" but some how you keep it on. :p
Anyways something to do with powering up and power levels and blonde hair. And all the screaming it just gets you caught up in a frenzy.
jaded god took the worth right out of my the power level raising and screaming..
i use to try to power up before a fight when i was like 12 years old i would stand there getting mad untill i feel this rush of adrenaline start at my feet works way up to my arms. the feeling was sensational to say the least.
besides whats there not to like on DBZ when someones talking trash then out of nowhere your getting kneed in the face by vegeta complements of the android saga. it gets funnier and funnier each time vegeat does that..LOL
Although it is a relatively recent phenomenon in the USA we must not forget it is quite an old thing in Japan so it is a bit corny but really it is a product of its time. It must have been doing something right to have lasted so long. I don't think there are many shonen animes which lasted anywhere near as long.
It gave the audiences what they wanted. We might think of the audiences as dumb but they weren't dumb enough to love GT to the same degree.
When i watched it as a 12-17 year old kid, nothing in the world got me so excited and captivated. I like to think of it as the Naruto of it's day.
That said, i never really like Z much until the appearance of Trunks. The frieza fight i fast forwarded alot as it was just so draggy.
Yea DBZ and all the DB deserves its dues... like some of you i used to hate it until I actually watched it... was hooked hehe...
Most epic moment: Gohan goes SSJ2 and rips Cell a new a-hole

The dragon ball saga is a little lame and exceedingly long but it does end. Thank god the story writer made a little more mature and changed it into someting a little more watchable. unfortunately, the first hundred episodes are drawn out and very boring at times. The series really gets good around the time Cell starts showing his face. The characters become more developed and better characters start appearing and the story is generally better. After cell there a couple of shorter sagas but they didn't compare tot he cell in my opinion. Then there is the Majinpu which is better then the freeza saga but not as good as the cell saga. The Majinpu saga is where the Characters get really beefed up. They get so powerful its hard to belive characters like freeza ever gave them trouble, at least a hundred episodes of trouble. I've wondered somtimes if a character like cell met freeza, would cell just laugh at how weak freeza is? Anyway, The Majinpu saga ends on a nice note but the ending of the entire dreagonZ series was very opened. It left questions like, who's uub and what will happen to the characters? Not a good ending in my opinion. Then comes the Dragon ball Gt series Which I've yet to watch and have been a little aprehensive about watching since hearing so many critiques about it saying how lame it is. I am curios about it but at the same time I hope its not like the dragon ball series or the first hundred episodes of dragon ballz.
As for my feelings about series as a whole I really liked the fact that the characters were developed well and grew and and had children and those children grew and new experiences continued to develop. I don't think any other series has Charcter that have been developed so well. I think that is one of the main reason why it is loved so much. The only thing I really didn't like was the parts of the series that were boring.
Overall the the entire series should be watched at least once so you can understand the entirety of the story. Its good! The movies too!
Personally I don't like DBZ, DB, or DBGT. I refuse to watch DBZ but I will watch DBGT. For me the series is just well too pop-tatistic for me to enjoy. Everyone and their little brother has watch the show almost and well it has been screwed with so much by american TV you can't really enjoy it anymore.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
yugioh or beyblade or pokemon or anyother fox kids garbage. have been ruined by watching the above animes now you think all anime is the same..
Hahahahahahahaha. You must be joking. If I think Dragon Ball is a mindless show for pimple-faced juvenile, what makes you think I'll rate those craparama higher?
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
1. all you do is watch star trek.
Trekkie I am not.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
2.all you have seen is the butchered eps on cartoon network.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
3.its too much for a person with a small intellect to handle.
Hahahahahahaha. Another joke. I'm sure that a lot of people will place DB alongside Lain as a brain teaser.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
4.cuz it dont have any stoopid card players or monsters in a ball.
Thank goodness it doesn't. Instead, it has mindless king fu fights that extend into multi-episodes.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
maybe you just dont like because so many more like it more than you do.
Certainly no. For a show that's as inflated as a ballon on a hot summer day, it's only natural to be scrutized throughly by many. Notice I never called it a crap? Just a mediocrity. That's exactly what it is.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
ive seen plenty of cartoons and anime to recogonize a good show when i see one.
Face it. Let me spell it for you. . M -E -D -I -O -C -R -E. Undistinguished, unexceptional, run-of-the-mill, so-so, tolerable, usual, vanilla, white bread, average, indifferent, insignificant, second-rate, starch, uninspired, common, ordinary, passable. Whatever you call it, it is mediocre.
The irony is, instead of being a dragon ball bash session, this turned into another Dragon Ball discussion *chuckle*
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
The dragon ball sage is a little lame a exceedingly long but it does end. Thank god the story writer made a little more mature and changed it into someting a little more watchable. unfortunately, the first hundred episodes are drawn out and very boring at times. The series really gets good around the time Cell starts showing his face. The characters become more developed and better characters start appearing and the siry is generally better. After cell there a couple of shorter sagas but they didn't compare tot he cell in my opinion. Then there is the Majinpu which is better then the freeza saga but not as good as the cell saga. The Majinpu saga is where the Characters get really beefed up. They get so powerful its hard to belive charcters like freeza ever gave them trouble, at least a hundred episodes of trouble. I've wondered somtimes if a character like cell met freeza, would cell just laugh at how week freeza is? Anyway, The Majinpu saga ends on a nice note but the ending of the entire dreagonZ series was very opened. It left questions like, who's uub and what willhappen to the characters? Not a good ending in my opinion. Then comes the Dragon ball Gt series Which I've yet to watch and have been a little aprehensive about watching since hearing so many critiques about it saying how lame it is. I am curios about it but at the same time I hope its not like the dragon ball series or the first hundred episodes of dragon ballz.
As for my feelings about series as a whole I really liked the fact that the characters were developed well and grew and and had children and those children grew and new experiences continued to develop. I don't think any other series has Charcter that have been developed so well. I think that is one of the main reason why it is loved so much. The only thing I really didn't like was the parts of the series that were boring.
Overall the the entire series shuld be watched atleast one so you can understand the entirety of the story. Its good!
Umm buffgod where you doing drugs when you wrote this post?? You have like a million spelling errors and weird grammar, lol.
Anyways it isn't Majinpu.. It is Majin Buu. And we know who Uubu is, it is the reincarnation of Majin Buu... I don't think you have seen all of your dbz.
Id have to say that from all the DBZ i have seen the show is just a bit too ridiculus for me. The early seasons seem ok, but the show simply spirals out of control. I mean majin bu is quite possibly the lamest villan i have ever seen in all my days. What a pathetic wretch! He just screams
" Look at me i can destroy planets and regenerate from a single molecule, arent I godlike!"
Its just ridiculus!
I prefer Yu Yu Hakusho. It is the same sort of show but the characters are better developed and the fights tend to not drag on for so long. Nor are any of the villans or heros planet destroying quasi deities.
Even when this was one of my first animes to see, I was just never relay impressed with it.
Its popularity is kinda creepy, but as long as people like it i guess funimation can keep padding their nest with it.
A pitty they pad their nest with Yu Yu as well.
Comparing the show to others of its time I think that Dragonball stands up very well. I'm really getting tired of people bashing Dragonball because it is popular. The show is filled to the brim with filler which I hate, but at it's core Dragonball does have plenty of character development (you see Gokuu grow into a man) and all of the other things that make Shonen anime interesting.
I would much rather read my Dragonball books than watch the show. They are two very different animals. To those that hate the show with a passion I suggest dropping $5 on the first volume. It may very well change your mind about it.
It really seems that bashing Dragonball is the
in thing to do right now. Most of the people who bash shows really just never understand them. It really is too bad.
I think that Dragonball is a good show for people that don't know too much anime or are still very young .
From my experience when people start seeing another shows , they soon realise that DragonBall is rather Medriocre , slow and repetitive as hell.
I was playing with a power ball while typing with one hand. I apologize for the spelling errors.