Two most common arguments we hear from Dragon Ball fans,
"you hate it just because it's popular"
I don't think many dragon ball crititics actually hate the show itself. It's all the underserved and biased praise the show's getting that critics hate. When a show gets as much undeserving praise as Dragon Ball gets, it's only fair to get some deserving criticism in return. Besides all the hooplas, if we look at only the show itself on its own merit, it really is a so-so series. The show didn't break any new groud, and it aint a masterpiece by any stretch as some like to potray.
"It was a great series for its time"
I don't buy this argument either. Dargon Ball came out in 1986, and Dragon Ball Z in 1989. Les's look at some other classic series and see when they came out.
Astroboy- 1963
Kimba the White Lion (series that Disney imitated for Lion King) - 1965
Mach, Go Go Go (Speed Racer) - 1967
Lupin III - 1971
Casshan - 1973
Marco (9000 leagues in search of his mother) - 1976
Captain Harlock - 1978
Future Boy Conan - 1978
Mobile Suit Gundam - 1979
Macross - 1982
Touch -1985
Even for its time, Dragon Ball wasn't that great of a show. It was a product of its time, a fad that come and go. It seems in North America, we got this fad 20 years too late.
That is all it is. Yes it gets repetitive to see 40 episodes drag on about just talking about fighting and power levels and only like 4 episodes are spent on the actually fighting, hence the Frieza saga.
But it is the kind of anime I can watch 20 episodes in a row non-stop. It just keeps you wanting to watch more. What ruined it is all this pop-star shit editing that FUNi did and Cartoon Network making it all "ghetto-oed" out. If you know what I am talking about.. That Font they use is like Tattoo Font for when you get initials on your body... When they preview the words on the screen for the anime coming up next.
Now you see millions of gokou kids on Halloween. Lunchboxes, t-shirts galore, sleeping bags, pillows, clocks, etc.
It is just for fun. We all have our own opinions no need to fight guys.
I'm surprised THIS hasn't been locked.
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Two most common arguments we hear from Dragon Ball fans,
"you hate it just because it's popular"
I don't think many dragon ball crititics actually hate the show itself. It's all the underserved and biased praise the show's getting that critics hate. When a show gets as much undeserving praise as Dragon Ball gets, it's only fair to get some deserving criticism in return. Besides all the hooplas, if we look at only the show itself on its own merit, it really is a so-so series. The show didn't break any new groud, and it aint a masterpiece by any stretch as some like to potray.
Now, I'm a bit slow, but let me get this stright. Other people love the show. you don't like it, therefore their Opinions are wrong. AND, therefore because their opinions are wrong, you feel that you should counter them....Does that not read That you don't like it because others do? If they feel that it deserves some credit, then to them it does, & if a massive amount of people feel the same way then it becomes popular. You're saying that because you feel a different way, all those people's opinions are wrong, & therefore you must raise up & inform them of this. Kinda like an Anti-Christ of DBZism
Anyways, I'm not a 'real' fan of the series anymore. I stopped watching not to long after the Cell series, & as for Dragon Ball, I like it, but have never took the time to watch it. Like most of you, my interest in the show was fond memories of it being one of the first shows I ever watched. Although like another said, I would still sit down & watch through it again if it were on TV at the time I were watching.
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Does that not read That you don't like it because others do
Let me get this straight again. I neither like nor dislike Dragon Ball.
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
If they feel that it deserves some credit, then to them it does, & if a massive amount of people feel the same way then it becomes popular. You're saying that because you feel a different way, all those people's opinions are wrong, & therefore you must raise up & inform them of this.
Now you're talking about fad and backlash. This is rather difficult subject to explain, but I'll try anyway. Fad ia by definition, a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time. This means that during the time that a fad is in fashion, one will not be able to escape from its influence due to its large presence in immidiate surrounding environment. Therefore, one is forced to deal with its effect by default. Many gets attracted by the effects of the fad, others gets repelled by it, and it leaves only small neutral ground. This means that most people will end up forming strong opinion regarding the fad, may it be positive or negative.
A good example is 70's disco fad, and its huge backlash in 80's. For anime fans, Pokemon is a good example. To a lesser extent, Drangon Ball is currently a fad for anime fans in America. That means that if one is an anime fan in North America, they wouldn't be able to escape hearing about dragon ball. If you have friends who love anime, inevitably, the subject of dragon ball will be mentioned sooner or later by one of them. Hence, every anime fan is 'forced' to listen to the subject of dragon ball. This leads to the formations of very strong opinions regarding dragon ball. If one is forced to deal with the subject repeatedly, naturally, one is compelled to express the negative opinions regarding the subject. That is the backlash. It is a natural reflexive action against something that is forced on.
To me, Dragon Ball is just another anime. Just as a few said already, I don't mind watching to kill some spare time, if it's on TV. Only reason why I even pay any extra attention to is because it is talked about so much in anime world. Finally, all my babble above leads to this conclusion. Since many are irritated by the unwanted, coerced influence of current dragonball fad, they have the right to express negative opinions regarding the subject. (Come on, admit it!! Is there anyone here who never thought 'what's with this pokemon crap' a few years ago?)
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Osamu
I'm surprised THIS hasn't been locked.
Hehe...... Originally, this thread was meant to be comical, but it turned kind of semi-serious, as usual. Even then, if someone gets personally offended just because their favorite anime is criticized, then they got their priorities screwed up in wrong place. All things said and done, who cares if dragon ball is good or not! Now, let's go watch some truely good anime 'Cowboy Bebop'
There is another stereotype your making... "Cowboy Bebop is the best" is what you basically just said. I love bebop don't get me wrong, but your forming your own opinions too.
Cowboy Bebop just to let you know is kinda a mini dragonball... Lots know of it now and in the same way you cannot talk about anime without hearing about Bebop.
Such a clueless comment. There is no Cowboy Bebop fad. There is no backlash against Bebop. There is no bebop action figures sold to kids. There is no hot air about this show. I can gaurantee you that it's gonna be regarded as one of the classy shows of our times 30 years from now because there is nothing mediocre about this show. It's one of the unique shows that is arguably acknowleged good by general consensus. Why don't you go start a Bebop sucks thread and see for yourself?
Here is an example why it's good. Here is a scene where Spike and Jet are gulping down many eggs after Faye and Ed left. They didn't say a word. There was no narration. But it's obvious that Spike and Jet are very upset for their leaving. This is an example of showing the story instead of telling the story. It's those subtle points that make this story good.
Umm when did I say bebop sucked? Bebop is one of my favorite animes.
I am just telling you so that you can see the reason why your argument was invalid. It will get different response than 'dragon ball' suck thread.
Good call hbk101. There has been WAY too many threads with Dragonball, DB, DBZ etc. in the title. I'm kind of getting sick of it.
As for the show itself... I owe it it something because it got me into anime. But, I don't think it's anything spectactular.
Oh, and it is defiently not for intellectuals! I mean honestly though, there is nothing to think about watching two fighters go through the same motions over and over again for 30 minutes!
Great character development though.
Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God
Cowboy Bebop just to let you know is kinda a mini dragonball... Lots know of it now and in the same way you cannot talk about anime without hearing about Bebop.
No matter how irrelivant due to your opinion or whatever means you will use to deny this, I find it kquite annoying when you can't talk to someone about anime without them talking about the self proclaimed 'own genre' classic

. Although Yes, Cowboy Bebop deserves its fame, you can't sit there & say it deserve it's fame because it appeals to you, why no one should care enough about DB/Z to talk about it.
And as for fads, they teach us about that crap at school. And when it's been around for so long, & will be around with atleast certain fans, I'm not gonig to pass it off as 'just another fad'.
Which then again I call no anime a fad. Sure, I was into pokemon when it first came out, but I wasn't one of the little fu*k heads runnig around that liked it just because it was the 'in thing'. I likied it because it was new & original to me. A type of show I'd never seen, & the games to were fun. I didn't get out of the 'trend' of Pokemon till atleast 3-4 years after all the fuss died down with the people of my age, & that was only because I don't watch anime of TV (besides DVDs) & the games are all basicly remakes. But, if it were to come out on (HK) DVD I'd be the first & only kid I know to own the entire series, or even parts of it for that matter.
Point being, anime you're calling stupid fads just because every 3 year old is runnig around making fools of themselves by yelling 'go pikachu' & 'I summon Dark Magican!' will/has atleast leave a lasting effect on me for one, & I'm sure I'm not alone.
What?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me!!!!
Batz, how many threads about Cowboy Bebop do you see below this thread? Let me count. Hmmmmmmmm 0.....and 0...and 0. That's it 0. Let me count threads about dragon ball. 1.....2.......3.......4.....keeps on going. Do you get my drift?
hbk why did you start this thread?
As I said it is going to start into a flame war and it is starting to happen now.
Someone just needs to lock this thread. Schultz, JJ, etc.
Post some cowboy bebop threads then if your not happy about db. There has been a lot of db threads lately because MAC is releasing the DB sets and MI has been releasing the DBZ sets.
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
What?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me!!!!
Batz, how many threads about Cowboy Bebop do you see below this thread? Let me count. Hmmmmmmmm 0.....and 0...and 0. That's it 0. Let me count threads about dragon ball. 1.....2.......3.......4.....keeps on going. Do you get my drift?
What?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me!!!!
Did I say a fliping thing about this forum?????????
Geez if I did my bad, but when someone says 'talk to someone' they sometimes mean actually holding a conversation with a verbal use of words. You know like with people in real life...
Flame war? What flame war? We are having a very rational discussion here (hehehe)
If one of your neighbors buys a brand new car and talk about it every single day to you, naturally, one of these days, you get tired of it and tell him to shut up. That is the dragon ball anology here. You see all the flooding of dragon ball this and dragon ball that recently. Of course, someone will eventually say something against dragon ball.