04-26-2004, 06:56 PM
04-26-2004, 06:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Flame war? What flame war? We are having a very rational discussion here (hehehe)
If one of your neighbors buys a brand new car and talk about it every single day to you, naturally, one of these days, you get tired of it and tell him to shut up. That is the dragon ball anology here. You see all the flooding of dragon ball this and dragon ball that recently. Of course, someone will eventually say something against dragon ball.
Actually last time own neihbors got a new truck we got two :p
Ok, that's probably my final words on this thread.
I'll agree this should probably be locked, although it'll be sad to see it go...or not...either way.
04-26-2004, 07:01 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
What?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me!!!!
Did I say a fliping thing about this forum?????????
Geez if I did my bad, but when someone says 'talk to someone' they sometimes mean actually holding a conversation with a verbal use of words. You know like with people in real life...
What are you talking about? You commincate with other people by posting here just as well as talking to them, telephoning them, or emailing them. How we communicate.......what difference does it make? It's all comminication nonetheless. Don't try to make exception outta this forum.
04-26-2004, 07:06 PM
I personally don't think Cowboy Bebop is really that great. It is just Lupin in space. It is good, but not nearly as good as people make it out to be. Personally I would rather watch Lupin the III.
In essence I see Cowboy Bebob the same way that you see Dragonball. Most people seem to like the show just because of its popularity.

In essence I see Cowboy Bebob the same way that you see Dragonball. Most people seem to like the show just because of its popularity.
04-26-2004, 07:11 PM
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
What?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me!!!!
Batz, how many threads about Cowboy Bebop do you see below this thread? Let me count. Hmmmmmmmm 0.....and 0...and 0. That's it 0. Let me count threads about dragon ball. 1.....2.......3.......4.....keeps on going. Do you get my drift?
Use the search function. Cowboy Bebop beats Dragonball by 1 thread.

04-26-2004, 07:11 PM
Batz and Jaded God. You guy are so lame. You have no rational arguments left to argue that you just advocate for locking the thread. Can't you stand up for yourself? Eh....forget it. Why do I bother? It's getting boring anyway. You're not taking the whole thing humoursly, which it was originally meant to be.
04-26-2004, 07:11 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I personally don't think Cowboy Bebop is really that great. It is just Lupin in space. It is good, but not nearly as good as people make it out to be. Personally I would rather watch Lupin the III.![]()
In essence I see Cowboy Bebob the same way that you see Dragonball. Most people seem to like the show just because of its popularity.
Although I said before that would be my last post, I saw this civilized post, & couldn't help to agree, or atleast not help but agree with the last part of the first half. I love Lupin III!
Anyways, HBK101, check all the top favorites list first of all. Second, I by not being about to talk to people without hearing about it I was more of reffering to my own home community. Because I live in a town that Anime is rapidly growing more & more popular, but for the most part, besides what they barrow from me, they only know Cartoon Network shows, which just so happens to include Cowboy Bebop

But, sadly enough I'm about, if not the only one I know at my school that like Lupin III. Everyone else says how old it is, & how bad the animation is, but it's one of the titles on my top 5 anime list.
04-26-2004, 07:13 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Actually last time own neihbors got a new truck we got two :p

04-26-2004, 07:17 PM
How about Dragon Ball vs. Cowboy Bebop thread? I am pretty confident of the would-be-result.
How about Dragon Ball vs. Cowboy Bebop thread? I am pretty confident of the would-be-result.
04-26-2004, 07:24 PM
And the result would just prove my point even further.
More people liking a show dosen't make it a better show. It just means that the show is more popular.

More people liking a show dosen't make it a better show. It just means that the show is more popular.

04-26-2004, 07:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Use the search function. Cowboy Bebop beats Dragonball by 1 thread.![]()
By the way, this is totally unfair. Most people refers cowboy bebop as cowboy bebop. But most people refers dragonball as one of these: DB, DBZ, dragonball, and dragon ball. That number is a false indication. Do search with all the variations too and add them up.
04-26-2004, 07:33 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
And the result would just prove my point even further.![]()
More people liking a show dosen't make it a better show. It just means that the show is more popular.![]()
That depends on wording of the thread. What if the title was "cowboy bebop vs. dragon ball, which series sucks more?"
I think I know which one will be the POPULAR choice on that

04-26-2004, 07:36 PM
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
That depends on wording of the thread. What if the title was "cowboy bebop vs. dragon ball, which series sucks more?"
I think I know which one will be the POPULAR choice on that![]()
god who really f#*#ing cares.. I am kind of getting angry now. This is childish. Some like dragonball some don't. End of discussion, no big deal.
04-26-2004, 07:39 PM
I know that I'm going to feel like less of a man for pointing this out instead of just leaving now, but here goes.
Am I crazy or have me & Jaded now been pointing out good facts. But when we do you pick the most irrelivant part of our post, & restate the same lame half @$$ opinion you used to start this thread as your "come back"?
You keep throwing out opinions like facts, then when someone makes a point you talk about your post being part joke... Geez, I look at your thread & no longer wonder why people once started ignoring my entries...
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Batz and Jaded God. You guy are so lame. You have no rational arguments left to argue that you just advocate for locking the thread. Can't you stand up for yourself? Eh....forget it. Why do I bother? It's getting boring anyway. You're not taking the whole thing humoursly, which it was originally meant to be.
Am I crazy or have me & Jaded now been pointing out good facts. But when we do you pick the most irrelivant part of our post, & restate the same lame half @$$ opinion you used to start this thread as your "come back"?
You keep throwing out opinions like facts, then when someone makes a point you talk about your post being part joke... Geez, I look at your thread & no longer wonder why people once started ignoring my entries...
04-26-2004, 07:43 PM
You made me do it HBK.
Cowboy Bebop has been mentioned 698 times
while Dragonball (in all of it's forms) has been mentioned 498 times.
Are you satisfied now HBK?
Does it really matter that other people feel the same way you do?

Cowboy Bebop has been mentioned 698 times
while Dragonball (in all of it's forms) has been mentioned 498 times.
Are you satisfied now HBK?

Does it really matter that other people feel the same way you do?