Haven't you had enough? You wanna know the truth? This is the truth.
Oh hbk
His word is poison
Piercing my heart
I am a coward
against mighty hbk
his word is wisdom
his word is truth
i cannot avoid
because I know it to be truth
I am a coward
what is my word against his all knowing wisdom
I know I am a coward
But I have to hide
under my foulmouth
oh please, hbk
won't you please help me?
To see the light.......
What happened here? I skip this thread until now. And that was just to see how you guys can carry on an argument about DBZ for this long. And I step into the middle of hbk101 acting like Eminem/Lord Byron or something.
Not sure whose right or wrong here, and I sure as hell am not going to go back and read 7 pages of posts. So unless someone attacks me directly, I'll just sit back and watch this one, since this is kinda entertaining.

The thread is all about HBK having runoff of the mind.

You know, robojack
My argument is all based on actual facts and what you posted. On the other hand, you robojack just resort to imangiantion and foul words. Rehab clinic? Is it facts or imagination? You made all up. And to add spice, you just add some foul words to it. That's your argument. Where is rationality? It's so pathetic. Use your brain. Your argument sound like it came out of your bottom part, not your brain.
And if this thread ever gets locked, it is because of people like you. No, correct that. It is because of you.
Robojack ran away like a coward he is with tail between his legs. I hate people who just say shit this and fuck that. At the end, they said nothing that means anything. All pathetic and empty words. One thing for sure, my verse babbling and rhyming days are over. If there are more brainless ones like robojack, I will not want to have to deal with another idiotic arguments.
By the way, Vicious. Read the whole thing. It wasn't just about dragon ball. It will put more than a few smiles over your face. I was just trying to be a clown, but some people can't help take it the wrong way.
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
By the way, Vicious. Read the whole thing. It wasn't just about dragon ball. It will put more than a few smiles over your face. I was just trying to be a clown, but some people can't help take it the wrong way.
I don't think I have the attention span to read all that. But from what I did read, your rhyming wasn't half bad. You probably jacked some lines from rap songs and mixed in a few of your own or something I'm assuming? That's what I usually do, since I'm not creative enough to come up with my own.
Hahaha. Not ture. All mine. When do I have time to look up reference in the middle of an argument? Do you think I should submit to some literature journal? Just kidding.
I just wanna know why you (hbk101) keep saying taht you'd like someone to disprove your opinion with some sort of facts or hard evidence. This is a case in which only fire can fight fire. I'm sure we're not going to change your opinion with our own, but like others have said, yur topic was not the reason for you starting it appearently.
Geez & people wonder why I wish I had a licenes to bleed stupid people.

That's Ok, Batz.
You're alright. I wanted to have a dragonball bashing in sorta humourous way. Because humour usually keeps anger in check. In this case, it just didn't turn out that well. That's all.
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Hahaha. Not ture. All mine. When do I have time to look up reference in the middle of an argument? Do you think I should submit to some literature journal? Just kidding.
Well, here's an example of about as creative as I get. This was from another forum's battle board thread where I was making fun of the guy and since he seemed too stupid to understand big words, I told him I'd write a nice Dr. Seuss type of rhyme for him.
Heavy Arms went to the mall.
He had to buy some pants.
But his balls were really small.
They were the size of ants.
He couldn't see tham at all.
They were that small.
He thought who should I call?
He was really ashamed.
Who should he blame?
Let me go on the web and act like a badass,
Even though I'm really a dumbass.
They can't see me,
So they won't know that I have a really small wee-wee.
See how everything has to rhyme and stuff? I'm not too good when it comes to creativity.

Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
That's Ok, Batz.
You're alright. I wanted to have a dragonball bashing in sorta humourous way. Because humour usually keeps anger in check. In this case, it just didn't turn out that well. That's all.
Then why do you presist with such stupidity, for when the punch line is a miss, you shouldn't try to salvage the joke, because that only makes it lamer...
Maybe you don't agree, but there are others who told me it was so funny they were laughing death. Enough said. Just because you have different sense of humour doen't mean you have to put down others.
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Maybe you don't agree, but there are others who told me it was so funny they were laughing death. Enough said. Just because you have different sense of humour doen't mean you have to put down others.
In the sense of yourself, yes it does

Like you're gay, you're retarded, oh, sorry if that offends you, it was all in joking humor (no I don't expect you to be offended by such words, just exampling your immaturity which is seemingly spreading like a vile plauge).
You see you started this whole thing, so you say, as a joking way to bash DB, so if you can do that why can't I & anyone else jokingly bash you & not expect you to care???
Infact, were it not to get locked, & I was actually that bored/childish, I might try for a public bashing of HBK101 Thread, but that'd just be gay.
You know your argument is degenerating very fast. When did I ever insult anyone personally? You're trying to get into personal insult fest with me. I refuse it. I am not gonna call you a moron or any other name, because that only makes me a moron. IIt's only cartoon. As I said before, if you get offended by criticizing anime, you got some serious issues. But we take personal insults out of this forum. That'a the rule here.
By the way, I got a PM that says Batz is stupid and my posts are extemely funny. Is that enough for you? And don't blame me for that.
Ok, A, no I'm not trying to get you to insult me, I'm expressing my opinion that I don't like you, & I'm telling you not to say a thing about it, like someone before myself said. So, like I said don't say or complain about me saying somethign about you because I'm just joking
As for someone else's opinion of myself, do you think I care?
And two last things: One being if you didn't want attention, then everytime myself or Jaded tried to leave the "conversation" you wouldn't have made comment to us in hopes of keeping us around becasue us responding to you allows you to stay in the spot light.
Second, as I'm sure it won't hurt your ego any, but I was atleast able to get 3/4s of the forum community to ignore me; try beating that :p
Also, this will probably 10% chances, be my last post of this thread.
I didn't find anything you have written funny. It seemed to me that when people came to you with valid points that proved your points invalid you retreated and tried to play the whole thing off like a joke.