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WOW!!! Almost everyone here owns and loves Grave of the Fireflies...myself included... but I'm not going to say anything. Just be prepared for some serious SKITE to hit the fan! You just opened the Gate to Hell on that one.
So exactly what didn't you like about it though??? I understand not liking it, but I don't on why you think it should be on the worst list.
I really really really really dislike Grave Of The Fireflies, good to see I'm not alone. I even watched it twice to make sure I didn't like it. I don't know... that movie just made me want to kill myself, because of the story AND it was boring.
I loved Hellsing... except the end.
Ninja Scroll, while I wouldn't consider good, because the story is basically useless, is an extremely entertaining watch. I've seen it many times, just gotta talk a lot or not think while watching it. If anything brings together a group of friends, it's Ninja Scroll.
And if I haven't pissed everyone off with my Fireflies comment yet, I hate you all.
I've said this before and I'll say it again.
If a movie makes you sad, that doesn't make it a bad movie. That means it's touched some part of you and left an impression.
Grave of the Fireflies is a very depressing movie. It is meant to capture the pain that kids go through during war time as well as showing the hope and resourcefullness of children. From a technical standpoint the movie is beautiful to watch.
Ninja Scroll is another movie I consider to be one of the greats but for another reason entirely. Ninja Scroll has more action and more variety to that action than just about anything else I can think of. To top it off, there are some very nice subtleties to this movie that are easy to overlook because of the extreme nature of the animation. The development of relationships between all the characters is an often overlooked strong point of this movie.
Why hasn't anyone else listed Sword of Truth as one of their worst movies? If you want to see a movie that will leave you asking for a refund on those two hours of your life then this is a title for you to watch. The story just sort of rambles on without much point and slaps random sex or violence (not even well done) in to the story at seemingly random intervals. Even the animation is second rate. This is a BAD movie. Watch it and use it as a yardstick to judge other movies against.
Appleseed is my yardstick of anime. Man it's TERRIBLE!!!
wow thats a really good point-- zagatto-- its just that i guess that i dont like sad movies because they make me cry and i dont like it when thet kill off all the main people sorry about that grave of the fireflies is really ok when your in the mood for some tears thanks bye i just remembered a worst for me garzy's wing
Utena TV is one of the most under-deserved animes ever. I've seen the TV show get the highest ratings at many many review sites, and it hit my #1 list and has been there for a LONG time ever since I finished it. I got it all on digisub, and only watched episode 1 because its theme song was so perfect. I kept going to around 12 out of curiousity, and then when I hit the Black Rose Saga (14-24) I was watching at a huge rate, and then episode 25 came.... and I was so awed by that episode I watched all of it up to 33. Then I realized I lost the CD with 34-39 (the end).
Thank you for reminding me how crap Utena is!
Worst animes ever:
Quote:If a movie makes you sad, that doesn't make it a bad movie.
Yes, but just because a movie makes you sad, that doesn't mean that it's good.
I didn't actually find the movie that sad though, I didn't feel anything for the characters, it just wasn't interesting to see them get into worse and worse situations. I don't require my movies to make me feel happy or excited, but I expect them to make me interested in even a slight way; something Fireflies just didn't do for me.
Plus, I'm a crochety old man, now get off my lawn!
I've never seen GoF... one of the few movies that came out in the past couple years that I did not get a hold of...
In my opinion:
Best (Series) - Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Hellsing
Best (Movies) - Akira, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Cowboy Bebop, Ninja Scroll
Worst - DBZ, DBGT, Pokemon (and its many offsprings)
Quote:Originally posted by Trish_Pinem
I've never seen GoF... one of the few movies that came out in the past couple years that I did not get a hold of...
Grave of the Fireflies has been out for ages.

Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
1. Conan, the boy in future (by Miyazaki!! Nothing comes even close!!!! awesome story, good drawing, a lot of humor,etc)
3. Paul's Miraculous adventure aka Paul no miracle daisakusen aka Paul's miracle strategy plan (It was very popular in Italy, Korea, and a few other coutries, but very hard to find copies. I wonder if anybody knows how to find a copy? Started a Yoyo boom in some of those countries)
All those kitty shows like Pokemon, digimon, Ranma
I can agree totally about Conan. It's funny how many scenes from that show end up being reused in later movies (like Castle of Cagliostro and Nausicaa).
Paul's Miraculous Adventure sounds like something to keep my eyes open for.
I'm amused at you calling an entire genre the worst anime. I realize that at least two of the titles you've mentioned are intentionally simple because they are designed for kids to watch (and to sell toys). Does this mean that as far as you're concerned that kids shouldn't get anime to watch? Or that nothing should have a marketing tie in?
I'm not sure how Ranma got lumped in with Pokemon and Digimon as it's an entirely different type of series. I personally don't enjoy Ranma but I do recognize it as being a prime example of a type of comedy series that is hugely popular.
Yes, I would like to know as well. How is Ranma a kiddy show? Do you think all those nudity scenes are geared towards 6 year olds? For someone that claims to know alot about older anime, you sure don't know alot about Ranma do you? Ranma follows Takahashi's basic formula that she uses in all her series, so why not put Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkkoku, and InuYasha in that kiddy show category as well then?
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
If you take out nudity or semi-nudity from Ranma, what do you get? Another mindless slapstick kitty comedy that does not require any imagination.
in case you haven't noticed, alot of anime is like that. what do you think stuff like Rune Soldier and Those who hunt elves are like? That doesn't put them in the same category as Pokemon and some other kiddy shows. Ameriucan Pie was a movie that had mindless comedy to it, but that doesn't mean that was intended for kids either. Just because something isn't high brow humor doesn't mean it's automatically aimed towards kids.
I agree with the Ranma comment, (but I'm biased against Ranma, so...) but I disagree with Those Who Hunt Elves. The anime has hardly any nudity (it never shows the nipples, unlike the manga) and is a pretty good story on it's own.
What I hate about Takahashi (aside from ugly artwork) is her need to draw nipples when they are completly unneccesary. She has the throw the entire rating of a manga up because she couldn't make Kagome's ugly arm a little big higher over her ugly body in a scene, and couldn't make Kikyo's (sp?) arm a little lower in another scene.... It gets the point of WHY she is doing this. I already get enough "japanese porn" sh_ _ at my school, and it seems to be the case with her. My only explamation for it is that she wants to make up to the teenage boys for sup-par drawings.
<clicks off annoying b*** mode>
Well you also have to keep in mind that, like American television, Japanese television need shows for very young children (like Pokemon and such). Yes, just because a cartoon is for kids doesn't mean it has to be childish, but at the same time not all children's cartoons have to be serious. I watch and like Ranma due to the fact that it's less serious than many of the other animes I watch. I enjoy it because sometimes I don't feel like watching something philosophical or "intelligent". I don't understand why you say watching Ranma doesn't require any imagination. Men turning into girls and other people turning into animals does require a little imagination. Cowboy Bebop can be mindless and slapstick at times, Cowboy Funk was a episode that was filled with mindless action and even more mindless slapstick humor.
I don't really have a problem with nudity. Most of us should be mature enough to see a few nipples without groaning or laughing. I mean, if your worried about getting in trouble or getting caught watching or reading something with nudity in it, maybe you shouldn't be viewing it.
Another point, yes, many animes are very inventive and continue to surprise me with the vast array of various story plots and concepts that come out. At the same time, you can't expect every single one to be a highly intelligent piece, that the regular masses won't understand.
At the same time, you are entitled to your own opinion and I respect that.
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