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I have discovered the truly most worst, cliche, STUPID anime ever... Da Capo!!!
I got MI's DVD out of curiousity, and oh my god......... I could only stand to watch one episode of the thing, because it was SO BORING, POINTLESS, and STUPID. It tried to be really funn, but never could pull it off (chibi-style kind of stuff) and ugggh.......
FAR worse then Arjuna.
The basic premises (boy who can see other people's dreams) could've been a really really great title, but they instead made that a sort of side-plot with the focus being.... um.... well let me think about this. I THINK it's about seeing a girl (his sister?) who... no that can't be it. His other sister (not by blood) being in love with him? No.... I have no clue. Boring.
I really don't like Reign. I tried to watch the first episode on Adult Swim, but I found myself changing it back to Geneshaft on TechTV. Not sure if I really dislike it, but the animation style and the characters were very unappealing to me. I got the first disc a few days ago from a Secret Santa present and I will actually try to sit down and watch the series to see if it grows on me (I didn't like Silent Mobius that much either, but it grew on me).
Dragonball was one of my first anime's, the first were actually Slam Dunk and Ranma. I don't hate Dragonball Z (I would rather watch Dragonball), but I haven't watched a full episode in at least five years. I see why many people hate DBZ. It's slow and has a great deal of filler, but it's still a fun and really is one of the first anime most of my friends got introduced to. I enjoy the manga a great deal more.
Quote:Originally posted by kodochafan
One of the best action scenes in all of anime is in End of Eva; it's when Asuka goes from being suicidal and wanting to die to such a high and feeling invincible. Then the scene where she singlehandedly fought the angels is classic.
Asuka is one of my all time favorite female characters. I love that girl because she does just go crazy on them at the end. And also her personality probably most resembles mine. I wish she would have killed that whiny bitch of a hero Shinji. couldn't stand him at all.
I believe that Blood The Last Vampire was the worst anime that i have seen so far.
Kroova... what are you talking about?
The only disappointment I had with Blood: The Last Vampire was how short the whole thing was. The animation was absolutely first rate. The story felt that it had much more depth than what was shown on screen.
I can see how it would be left off someone's favourite anime list but calling it one of the worst is something I find to be a bit extreme.
What is it that you hate so much about this short video?
I didnt like it because i couldnt figure out the plot when i watched it. I really didnt think that being short was the bad part about the movie.
Best and Worst in no particular order.
1. Dragon Ball/Z/GT (Although it is watchable SOMETIMES)
2. Tekken
3. Hellsing
4. Evangelion
1. Berserk
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Trigun
4. One Piece
5. Rurouni Kenshin
6. Naruto
7. Ninja Scroll
Okay, I know I'm gonna get blasted for Hellsing and Evangelion being my worst, it wasn't bad in a techinical point of view. I just felt the stories were executed poorly in both animes. I wouldn't say worst all time but for being my personal worst.
As far as best of there is a bunch of shit I can't list since I really don't have time to list em all LoL. But, I think that is a good group of what my interests in Anime are haha.
Quote:Originally posted by Gireihei
Okay, I know I'm gonna get blasted for Hellsing and Evangelion being my worst, it wasn't bad in a techinical point of view. I just felt the stories were executed poorly in both animes. I wouldn't say worst all time but for being my personal worst.
I'm so with you on the Evangelion. Just saw the series and EoE for the first time and while it looked pretty, the whole theological mumbo jumbo thing just seemed like a cop out. I did kind of like the "Hi I'm Shinji and I'm a neurotic!" ending to episode 26 in an unintentional comedy kind of way.
Quote:Originally posted by cowboy_ed
"Hi I'm Shinji and I'm a neurotic!" ending to episode 26 in an unintentional comedy kind of way.
LoL, yeah that pretty much wraps it up cowboy_ed. I remember like a 4-5 of my anime friends were, "No, rup, I'm not watching Evangelion with you, I don't like you that much." Same response from everybody haha.
Quote:Originally posted by Gireihei
1. Berserk
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Trigun
4. One Piece
5. Rurouni Kenshin
6. Naruto
7. Ninja Scroll
Okay, I know I'm gonna get blasted for Hellsing and Evangelion being my worst, it wasn't bad in a techinical point of view.
No, what you're gonna get blasted for is having your top 2 backwards. Bebop is #1!!!!!

i dont know, cowboy bebop got annoying pretty fast. i still dont see why everyone liked it so much. its pretty basic '' yawwwnnn''
Vicious, read the top of my post it says "in no particular order". To tell you the truth Bebop is amazing. My favorite character is Vicious for sure. All I got to say is, "And you shall shed, tears of scarlet". Badass. Although I think Berserk does it more for me nowadays. I just couldn't relate to Spike enough. On the hero scale, I think vash has them all beat.
Quote:Originally posted by dvd_master
I have discovered the truly most worst, cliche, STUPID anime ever... Da Capo!!!
Okay, I have yet to finish this series, but from what I've seen, it's not the worst of this genre. "Green Green" would have to fall under that category. v_v
Anyway, i'm half way through "Da Capo" and i'm now noticing a change of mood for the series. I guess you just have to get past the filler episodes first. But definitely not one of the best for this "Bishoujo PC game turned to Anime" genre...
Quote:Originally posted by Gireihei
Okay, I know I'm gonna get blasted for Hellsing .....
Actually I agree. Hellsing is one of the worst, boring, lame, uninspired, and rediculous animes I have ever seen. I saw about 3 episodes and couldn't wait for it to end during the first episode. Name something about it and that's why I hate it. I never want to see Hellsing ever again.
i would have to say for the worst ,dog of flanders,grave of the fireflies,strange dawn strange world and top three best sailor moon,love hina,tenchi
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