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Am I the only one who didn't hate Arjuna? I just got the DVDs through a trade, and am kinda enjoying it. Although it's animation is very very heavy on computers, I don't think it's that bad at all. It is very... unique and does have some bad point.
Like when Juna just barely survived this huge and life threatening illness, she suddenly cringed and held her stomach, and her moms like 'OH MY GOD JUNA WHATS WRONG' and Juna grins and says 'Im hungry' and her mom smiles and says something like 'Oh Juna!', I woulda beat the damn girl to the ground. :mad:
Though I admit Bandai's trailer made it seem a lot cooler then it is (made it seem like a new Escaflowne) and the opening sequence of episode 1 that I found online also made it seem great, I was a little let down, but I still am gonna finish the series.
Utena TV is one of the most under-deserved animes ever. I've seen the TV show get the highest ratings at many many review sites, and it hit my #1 list and has been there for a LONG time ever since I finished it. I got it all on digisub, and only watched episode 1 because its theme song was so perfect. I kept going to around 12 out of curiousity, and then when I hit the Black Rose Saga (14-24) I was watching at a huge rate, and then episode 25 came.... and I was so awed by that episode I watched all of it up to 33. Then I realized I lost the CD with 34-39 (the end).
One month later, I found it, and it had THE BIGGEST surprise ending. Out of nowhere, ...well I can't say it.. but I had to watch it a bunch of times to make sure it really happened. Greatest show ever, and with some awesome songs. And lesbians.
I may be new but I'll try and behave.
I'm sure there'll be a lot of disagreement, but:
Ranma 1/2 (just not my thing I guess)
Akira (which may have been a victim of high expectations, and the manga was just nutty good)
Shaman King
Cowboy Bebop (but of course)
Ruruoni Kenshin (yay getting the set for xmas!)
Noir (I'm a sucker for chicks with guns, being one myself)
Now to really confuse you, one of my favorites is also Hamtaro. Come on, it's like Winnie the Pooh with hamsters! It's just doesn't get any better than that! My daughter is way into DBZ, but again, I guess it's just not my thing.
Thanks for letting me share my completely useless opinion.
Hrm... it's amusing to see Akira listed here.
That was the first Anime I ever got to see in the theatre and I have to agree that it falls far short of the manga.
I recently got to see the retranslated version of Akira and the movie makes a lot more sense with just a few wording changes here and there. For the quality of the bike scenes alone though, I would hope that raises Akira up from the batch of the worst to being merely over rated.
Oh yeah... I almost forgot to say this... welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future.
Quote:Originally posted by dvd_master
Am I the only one who didn't hate Arjuna? I just got the DVDs through a trade, and am kinda enjoying it. Although it's animation is very very heavy on computers, I don't think it's that bad at all. It is very... unique and does have some bad point.
Many anime fans don't like Arjuna because they find the themes in the anime to be lame. There are just some points in the anime where i just roll my eyes, like when Juna is going to bite into a hamburger and has quick flashes of smokestacks, industrial pollution, cows going to slaughter, etc...then she freaks out. I mean c'mon! :p
After watching the entire series though there is a sense of satisfaction from watching a good show, and it wraps up pretty nicely. The animation is very well done; it was done by Shoji Kawamori of Bebop and Macross Plus fame. The music is also AMAZING as it fits the anime so well. Maaya Sakamoto and Yoko Kanno do an excellent job here.
So yep, in summary, I'm another Arjuna fan dvd_master

what made me think Arjuna was so crappy was that a lot of the environmental preaching was made up. THe old man in the organic farm was trying to tell the kids that weeds and bugs aren't harmful to plants. However, there's a reason why locusts are considered a plague, and I've seen weeds overtake and kill trees, let alone crops. It's trying to make you feel guilty with fictitious info (such as that bugs only eat the "bad" parts of plants...what is a "bad" part of the plant? I thought the bad parts were the dead parts...). Then it tries to make you feel sorry that bugs are dying at the hands of pesticides. Proponents of organically grown foods over foods sprayed with pesticides make their case that pesticides can be harmful to humans in a long run, not some stupid "save the bugs" campaign.
on top of that, those of us who hate Arjuna seem to be in a minority. If you use the search keys "ARjuna" and "search" the majority of the results are reviews praising the crappy anime.
It's Captain Planet for the new millenium. Except it over Overstates what it's talking about. Like the bugs and plants stuff. Yeah bugs are a necessity to our world but it isn't going to hurt their population if we kill a few hundred thousand. There are 100MILLION Insects for every Human on this planet!!! (Honestly I think I read from a few different sources that the number I gave is actually too small!!!) But Arjuna was made for "treehuggers" anyways. I hate Politically Correct garbage. It's all part of the new world order BS!! Before I go on a side story and throw us all off topic I'll leave now....back on topic before I go...I hate Arjuna.
Quote:Originally posted by cowboy_ed
Ranma 1/2 (just not my thing I guess)
Akira (which may have been a victim of high expectations, and the manga was just nutty good)
Shaman King
What??? Another Rumiko Takahashi blasphemer. This forum is going to hell in a handbasket (what the hell's a handbasket?). :eek:
They're few and FFAAAAAAARRRRRRR between but they're out there.

And I also know that Ranma is where your Sig comes from!
My assessment of Ranma the series (I've seen season 1 to 4)
Season 1: Excellent! Storylines were great as they focused on the relationships between the characters, the scenarios were not as absurd. All the episodes pretty much had connected storylines too, so it felt like a continuous show.
Season 2: Very Good. Still interesting as it has a few funny story arcs and has Ranma learning the Chestnuts Roasting over an Open Fire technique and Ryoga learning the Breaking Point technique. It also introduced Shampoo's Great Grandmother, Happosai, and Satsuke.
Season 3: Umm Okay I guess...pretty much most of the episodes are not connected story-wise and all feel like filler episodes. Also, some of the scenarios become more absurd and/or repetitive. The only good character that was introduced was Ukyo.
Season 4: Yikes!! By this time they introduce the annoying principal and the pointless episodes become more outlandish. I didn't even bother watching the whole season.
Worst anime ever? Sister Princess. I borrowed the DVD from a friend who's into that kind of stuff...Yuck. pure saturated shit.
The worst manga I ever read would be Fist of the Blue sky. That one is so bad I was depressed for a few days after reading it.
I have only read the first book but I thought Fist of the Blue Sky was OK. It's not as good as Fist of the North Star but it's an acceptable prequel. It was no where near as good as it should have been, but then again I have only read the first book.
Quote:Originally posted by kodochafan
My assessment of Ranma the series (I've seen season 1 to 4)
Season 1: Excellent!
Season 2: Very Good.
Season 3: Umm Okay I guess...pretty much most of the episodes are not connected story-wise and all feel like filler episodes. Also, some of the scenarios become more absurd and/or repetitive. The only good character that was introduced was Ukyo.
Season 4: Yikes!! By this time they introduce the annoying principal and the pointless episodes become more outlandish. I didn't even bother watching the whole season.
I pretty much agree with that assessment. I loved seasons 1 and 2. Then season 3 started getting repetitive and season 4 was just horrible. I think it gets better after season 4 though. Seasons 5 and 6 are back to repetetive again. Although in season 6, tey try to focus a little more on just Ranma and Akane. Haven't gotten around to season 7 yet. But season 4 was definitely the worst and even I struggled to get through it.
But if you haven't seen the OVA's, you should definitely check them out. They're some of the best epsiodes of the entire series IMO. They rank right up there, if not better than, the 1st 2 seasons.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
What??? Another Rumiko Takahashi blasphemer. This forum is going to hell in a handbasket (what the hell's a handbasket?). :eek:
Actually, I thoroughly enjoyed InuYasha, so can't really say I'm a Rumiko Takahashi blasphemer. Just picky.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
But if you haven't seen the OVA's, you should definitely check them out. They're some of the best epsiodes of the entire series IMO. They rank right up there, if not better than, the 1st 2 seasons.
Whoops! I forgot to add the OAVs. I totally agree about some of the episodes, they were great! Some of them were insanely funny, like Kuno and phoenix that hatched on his head and the Miss Hinako episodes

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