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*edits post*

I have no Idea what you are talking about

I would be watching anime now. but I am just taking a 20 minute break or so from doing homework and I dont feel like watching one episode and then starting again.
Despite Kroova being a dumbass, it's a sad truth of the industry.
Since the thing is cropped over I can't edit the post. It was supposed to be in the porn industry thread.

Quit editing posts Ox, it makes the person who pointed out that your a dumbass, look like the dumbass.
heheh, I just went back to my other post and thought about editing it so it looked like I never edited anyting but then I decieded against it :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "OptimisticOx"

heheh, I think I am beggining to think of you differently yakumo :mrgreen:

Ohhhh Hasslehoff :oops: :mrgreen:
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