Why is everyone on here either high or drunk when posting? 8O
well, I think there is always someone drunk or high everywhere they just dont talk abou it like they do here :mrgreen:
Import Anime's General Babble section has become home to DRUG ADDICTS! I'm taking the streets back!

ok what is your first step, Mr. Chief of police? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ill hand myself over

, although you should know that it was all pier pressure, indeed my parents and teachers made smoke the stuff, i really didnt want to!
yeah yeah! likely story, next time spell peer correctly,and I might believe you. :mrgreen:

ok, I thought about it but I never made any promises. take em away boys! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ah shit

, btw whats this thread about again?
I think it was about Batz taking some chicks happy. :mrgreen:
batz, dude, that sounds like a really weird ass chick. My advice: Stay the hell away from her because she sounds like one of those chicks that if you ever break up with them they stalk you and scary stuff like that. Or you can make her feel "happy" by giving her some sex.

eeyts spehled SECKS!!!! Neckst Tyme spehl yt rait aynd Ai myte beleev yu!!!! :roll:
Quote:Why is everyone on here either high or drunk when posting?
Because they need to be to deal with OpOx

I dont know if that was a complament, an insult, or just something in inbeteween :mrgreen:
I have cold

Anyways if you guys were to hit on her or something she might give you a drop dead look, & true sometimes she'll hit, or kick you, as she's done many times to me.
But, when David (the kid that sits next to us in 4th talks about wanting to lick her toes, & stick his hand down her pants she just looks at h really weird like, & I have to treaten him that if he says/jesters something like that again, or even touches her I shoove a needle (safty pin) through his hand :mrgreen: . It always works. She doesn't like him talking about her like that, but what can you expect the subject to turn to, the whole class time me & him talk about porn, & she looks at us weird, but I still claims she likes ducks a little to much, & soon to be added to that list, dead people. She wants to be a cornener (heysi).
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: