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-03 Feb 2011 15:53:05
-10 Jun 2010 00:38:57
-11 Jun 2009 01:46:49
-11 Apr 2009 00:46:33
-20 Dec 2008 00:34:43
-03 Dec 2008 20:21:50
-28 Sep 2008 20:41:24
-13 Jun 2008 17:30:47
-16 May 2008 03:54:59
-28 Apr 2008 02:36:39
About Us
Import-Anime was created in 2002 by fans, for fans. We're here because you guys need a good place to come and check out reviews of Hong Kong anime titles before you buy them, and who better to review the titles then your fellow fans? So come by, check out the reviews, and post a few of your own. We're also the place where you can pick up your favorite Anime Studio and MAC titles at some of the best prices around. We offer flat rate shipping, free DVD's, and top-notch customer service. We also have a thriving, ever-growing community of friends and anime fans on both our message boards and our IRC channel. Our little community has some of the friendliest and most enthusiastic HK enthusiasts around. We're not the biggest board on the net, but we certainly do have some unique characters lurking around! Be sure to check our suggestions board, and if you want to order a title that we don't have, post a request in the thread! If you have some anime lying around that you don't need, be sure to make a topic on our trade board, and see if one of the other users might want to take it off of your hands. Look for a lot of great things happening in the coming year, including a new shopping cart system, the re-introduction of MI, AV, and FX titles, and some new monthly feature articles!
Your Hosts:
JunkieJoe is your friendly neighborhood website owner. He's the man who's ordering your DVD's, giving you discounts, and running the show. He lives somewhere in Canada, hopefully far away from the wild bears, mooses, and those mountie police who ride horses around.
Schultz handles the coding of the site from his home in Okinawa, Japan. He's a great guy and also happens to own more R1 anime than anyone who doesn't own a store. This man actually owns all the Dragon Ball Z releases. Fear the man who has this much disposable cash! He's online at odd times, living in the land of the rising sun and all. Post any sort of bug fixes and suggestions and he'll fix things up in a hurry for ya.
Rei is the man who makes sure you can post your reviews. He searches for all of the new releases as they come out and posts them for your reviewing pleasure. He's also a starving college student from NY in his spare time, so send mass quantities of ramen and coke!
Zagatto comes to us from the fine country of Canada as well.. He's originally from the US, so it's my theory that he just got lost up there and decided to settle down. When he's not taking care of his new baby, he's helping out with adding the titles to the DVD database. He also happens to write some of the finest user reviews that this site has to offer.
Shibo is nothing short of the most attractive human being in the galaxy. He's also writing this entire section, which means that everything he says should be taken as gospel. ;) You'll find me lurking around the boards and the IRC channel, modding as necessary, and buying/watching way too much anime. I'm in the great state of Colorado, land of sweltering heat and 3 foot snowstorms.