My buddy just got married so he gave me all his Hentai(LOL), So I figured I'd review some of the HK DVD's. This title is actually kinda of cool story wise, although they tend to get it on at some weird times (Okay the minster is dead, let's get down baby! LOL)
Video Quality-
It's actually not bad, the censoring gets kind of annoying sometimes. overall though the video is decent, I did notice some very minor pixelization in a couple scenes though. and like D.DC said in episode 2 there is a weird rainbow effect in a lot of scenes.
Again it's decent, not perfect, but decent.
Typical japanese to chinese name changing, but hey it's Hentai.... does it realy matter?
This was a decent little anime, I might actually buy more of this series if I spot it. The actual fight scenes while short, were actually animated pretty nicely and like I said it's Hentai, but the story wasn't totally ridiculous....... Well, Ok maybe it was.... heh, but at least it's entertaining.
Level: 3
Reviews: 19
Experience: 13,390
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