The storyline of Hajime no Ippo follows the main character, Magunochi Ippo. Ippo is a typical and ordinary high school student in Japan. During his days he attends school, however on the side he is accustomed to the responsibilities of helping his mother run the family business, dealing with fish. As such, he does not have much free time. Ippo experiences a general life of hardship. Ippo is constantly bullied and generally unappreciated by other students due to the distinct odour that the family fish business gives him. However, during one of Ippo's common after school torments from bullies, Ippo is saved by a boxer known as Takamura. Ippo then realizes the possibility of a directional change in his life and overall hope and purpose, as he decides to follow in Takamura's footsteps and become a boxer. The storyline of Hajime no Ippo is one of inherent inner growth and self-confidence.<br />