Note: This is not really a review, instead, it's a little side info on X: An Omen.
After CLAMP's movie X dissapointed the fans in Japan for not being true to the manga, CLAMP began their project on X Tv. Displayed not long after, a trailer called X2 (Or Double X - A pun, seeing the featured music for the video was "X" By "X-Japan") which displayed scenes from the manga (mostly the battle between Kamui and Aoki's nephew, and random character introductions). Fans were estatic, and grasping for more.
In comes X: An Omen. This was released before X Tv, and was simply just a trailer for the series. It was to show fans the direction the series planned on going in, and when the credits came up, it showed a full cast listing.
Second Note: X: An Omen was jusr a quick scripting of the manga's plotline at that time. Many things were changed in the transition to the series. This OVA should actually be watched later through the series, as not to spoil it (I believe it should be watched somewhere near episode 22, before the final battle in episode 24)
Third Note: Unlike what the last review said, it's not Kigai Yuuto who was the addition to this series. The addition was the male dreamwatcher Kuzuki Kakyou, the blonde man on the cover with Kamui. When the X movie was made, Kakyou's future in the manga was uncertain, so CLAMP asked for him to be edited ot and replaced by Asagi Shuugo.
All considered: I personally would wait for the R1 release on September 24th, because it will have An Omen and the first 3 episodes of X Tv on it. But if you cannot wait, and you want to see what X Tv may have in store, take a look.
edited by Suzakuseikun on 30 Aug 2002 9:54 am
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