This was a out of the blue purchase which I kinda regretted. I found out later this is based off a live action series that seems a bit like power rangers. In that this show is pretty cheesy and kinda dumb at times. Its kinda fun in a silly way, and its not horrible, but its a waste personally.
Video: Decent video, show doesn't seem that old and everything looks pretty good. Don't really know about the source but its nothing spectacular, nor is it bad at all.
Audio: Same as the video, no problems whatsover. Normal TV stuff in the audio department.
Subs: The subs here are pretty lame. The subs are HK originals and not very good ones. There not horrible and its understandable but also because the show is quite simple, it makes following pretty easy. But its pure engrish at times and at times it comes off ok but always seems to have a word that just doesn't go right and such. Names are wrong as well mostly *sigh*.
This is a show not many know about, and I can see why. I think only fans of the original live action series would get any enjoyement out of this one. Just pass and look for something better. The show is too lame and kiddie at times (though it has some darkness to it in parts).
Level: 6
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