Video is great for this series. Rip for a good source (most likely LD). No noticeable drop in quality, even though there are 10 episodes a disc. Excellent job on the video quality.
Audio comes across nice and clear. No distortion at all, even with all the shouting and screaming. Great job in this department, too.
Audio comes across nice and clear. No distortion at all, even with all the shouting and screaming. Great job in this department, too.
G-Gundam has always been one of my favorite Gundam series. I find it to be one of the bests anime ever. It's the first AU Gundam series, and was a nice change from all the war fighting UC series.
Thing that always had me peeved were people saying this was just DBZ with Gundams. People who haven't even seen G-Gundam. It's not. It's probably the most emotionally charged Gundam sereis of them all. Love, friendship, pride, etc. It's all in this show.
Enough rambling, on to the show itself.
5 discs, with 10 episodes each disc. Quite alot, but no video loss at all, so I'm fine with that.
Not all the openings and endings are here. From the old VHS fansubs I had, they missed the second version of the opening with the original song. It featured the 5 main Gundams of the series. As for the second opening they use, it's the one where the song switches. Don't know if theres many versions of this one.
Opening and endings song are subbed. Except the second version of the ending. It's subbed... but... not how it should be. YOu see, they, for some reason, used the subs belonging to a next episode preview for the second endings subs. It's kind of wierd if you sing along with the japanese using the English subs about Neo India's Gundam...
Opening is before the first episode, ending is after the last episode.
Following the ending is the next episode preview for the first episod eon the next disc, so you get to see what the next episode previews are like. Subbed, too.
On the last disc, the names get wierd spellings. Pure Romanji spelling. Meaning Shwartz becomes somthing like Sawaratsu. YOu can make the names out though, so it's no biggy.
I recall two misspelled Gundam names. John Bull Gundam (piloted by Gentlemen Chapman) is called Jumble Gundam, and Walter Gundam is called Motor Gundam I think. Don't let two misnamed detract form your viewing, though.
Eyecatches are present. Both of them.
Japanese writing will be subbed if it's not mentioned in the dialogue. Example, it will say "Neo Japan Colony." If no one says "Hre on Neo Japan, blah blah blah" it will be subbed.
Somthing neat about the menus. Each one will have a little animtion. Really, really, poorly done animation featuring the official artwork, but still fun to watch.
That about covers everything I beleive. Great show, for fans of Gundam, and anime fans all together!
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