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Reviews for JoJo Prequel
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 3.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.3 out of 0
The overall video is excellent with a near-DVD quality. You won't find much better than this. Period
Surround sound at its finest. I'm not an expert but it sounds great in any regular stereo.
Surround sound at its finest. I'm not an expert but it sounds great in any regular stereo.
Overall: Bearing in mind that the subs can get a little annoying when you have to re-read them, this is a great DVD rip if you don't want to pay the full price. Since there are certain people who are paitent enough to try to figure out what's said, don't purchase this if your not one of them. Otherwise, I highly recommend this to any and all Jojo fans like myself.
Level: 1
Reviews: 2
Experience: 1,441
This review has not been rated yet.
02 Dec 2002 07:28:57
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
If MI could only release every single dvd like this. Jo Jo's bizarre adventure is a six-part tv series. The characters in the series utilize "stands" to fight enemies. "stands" are mystical powers in the form of warriors that the characters call forth to fight for them. each character has different stands( ie. jotaro's stand is star platinum) with different abilities and powers. This series is really crazy as each episodes pits the warriors against different situations where not only do they need to use their stands but teamwork and strategy to get through situations. Video- 5 out of 5. excellent transfer, possibly LD source. Minor colorbleeding, but nothing to cry about. If you own the fansubs, your jaw will drop seeing the quality on these dvd's. Audio- 4.5 out of 5. I tested the sound out using stereo and dolby prologic on my receiver. Both excellent. Stereo sounds more fuller VS. dolby prologic. But whatever you chose it wont be a disappointment. Subtitles- 5 out of 5. All the names are correct, unlike the OVA release where the names are spelled wrong, etc. It appears to be a rip of the fansubs script. Comparing this release with the fansubs it's very close. Same amount of grammar errors. The font on the dvd's is way better than the fansub tapes. Opening and endings were left intact for all episodes. The menu is ok, nothing to rave about. No animation, just static images. since you really can't get your hands on the fansubs anymore, you should pick this up. If you like realy screwed up anime, this is definitley for you.
Level: 3
Reviews: 11
Experience: 8,805
This review has not been rated yet.
21 Mar 2002 15:05:24