Video 4.0 ?
This release had pretty good video. I didn?t notice any compression artifacts on my setup and only once do I remember there being a motion blip. However, I did feel that the video was a little on the bright side in certain scences.
Audio 4.5-
Oh my! Oh my indeed! This movie had an excellent stereo track! Lots on direction and sounded great on my speakers. Sorry, no DTS to be found :(
Audio 4.5-
Oh my! Oh my indeed! This movie had an excellent stereo track! Lots on direction and sounded great on my speakers. Sorry, no DTS to be found :(
Video 4.0 ?
This release had pretty good video. I didn?t notice any compression artifacts on my setup and only once do I remember there being a motion blip. However, I did feel that the video was a little on the bright side.
Audio 4.5-
Oh my! Oh my indeed! This movie had an excellent stereo track! Lots on direction and sounded great on my speakers. Sorry, no DTS to be found :(
Subtitles 4.0 ?
These are HK originals but are very understandable. I never really remember being lost during the movie do to bad subtitles. A thing that might bug some people are the names. Van becomes Barm, Meril becomes Meruru (I like this one better), Gaea become Kaea and so on and so on.
Menu 3.5-
This is a one page menu with a picture of the DVD cover stretched to fill the whole screen. Everything is in Chinese but there are like only a couple things to choose from so it?s not a big deal.
Extras 4.5-
What?s that I hear..? EXTRAS?! Yes, my friend this has two extras!! Both are trailers for the movie but still cool none the less. The only reason they are getting a 4.5 is because they aren?t subtitled. :(
Packaging 5.0 ?
Nothing wrong here?everything looks A-OK!
Level: 3
Reviews: 6
Experience: 10,704
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