Ahh well lets see, really liked this show, can't wait to see part 3.
Video: Excellent video, its R2 rip, very good, just a few glitches and you get normal pixelation during high motion scenes. It isn't that bad here at all. Nothing major here, excellent for the most part.
Audio: VERY good. Excellent soundtrack, sounds great. Nothing wrong with it, good stuff here.
Subs: These were taken from fansubs and were really well done. No big problems, just a few errors. Only error I would say was for about 2 minutes at the end of one episode, the subs go off. Nothing big though as you can easily figure out what you missed :)
The only problem here was sub scripts only existed up to episode 23, so the last 3 episodes use HK original subs. Very good subs though, very easy to understand, the only problem I would say was that the names were wrong. Not horrible but might bug some. But you saw 23 perfect eps, so you should figure out the last 3.
Level: 6
Reviews: 68
Experience: 55,826
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