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Reviews for Yu Yu Hakusho Complete Deluxe Boxset
Rating of 3.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Box 1 is really great quality, what you would expect from a standard well done perfect collection. 4.5/5 - Box 2 is also of similar quality to the first, very well done. 4.5/5 - Box 3 is where things start plummeting down hill, some of the episodes resemble the previous two sets, others strongly resemble a VCD or a really bad MAC release. 3/5 - Box 4 is a double edged sword, the first 2 discs are fairly well done although they dont measure up to the first two sets. However the last 2 discs take a significant drop in quality and revert back to the poorly mastered pixelated mess that was seen in the previous box. This really made me mad... the distractions it caused for me in some of the greatest and most intence episodes of the series... it really... really spoiled this potentially great set. If only they had done boxes 3 and 4 as well as they did 1 and 2 this would indeed be a "perfect" collection. I really think the previous reviewer posted his review before he watched all the boxes...
English 5.1 Japanese 2.0... be warned though the dub although it is well done often strays a great deal from the original Japanese script (also avaliable on this set as subtitle #2).
English 5.1 Japanese 2.0... be warned though the dub although it is well done often strays a great deal from the original Japanese script (also avaliable on this set as subtitle #2).
Yu Yu Hakusho is by far one of my favorite series after watching it. Box 1 and 2 of this set are well done and really do the series justice. However box'es 3 and 4 are just so flawed that it completely soils an otherwise great set. I would have forgiven more on the video (at least given it a 4) if I hadn't had to watch the final episodes of the series as a pixelated macroblocking nightmare that would make MAC shake in there pants, as they are the kings of bad quality EZ has come very close to dethroning them in part of this set at least. Still, its a decent buy for those who can't afford the R1's, and as much as I hate to say it, its really the only Yu Yu Hakusho set worth buying as I heard the MAC set is bad quality throughtout and this one is only half rotten. I however hope the second part of this set gets a remaster sometime in the near future, it truely needs it.
Level: 10
Reviews: 49
Experience: 191,556
100% (2) found this review useful
05 Oct 2006 19:20:11
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Pretty good picture all through out the box set, with the exceptions of a few episodes in the third and forth box sets. But overall, the picture is pretty darnded good considering it's an R1 rip.
Great audio in the entire set, no areas where the volume increases or decreases that I noticed.
Great audio in the entire set, no areas where the volume increases or decreases that I noticed.
Overall a good boxset, much better than having to spend $400+ on the series in offical box sets.
Level: 2
Reviews: 14
Experience: 8,032
100% (2) found this review useful
15 Mar 2006 03:58:44