*Revised final review*
The video on disk one starts of strong. Some pixilation durring high movement, but hardly noticeable on a normal TV. However once we get into disk 2 and 3 the quality takes a bigger hit. Of course it is most noticeable in high action battles, where spark bursts reduce the picture to macroblocks. Most low action scenes still look good however. No color bleed, and video pans appear to be free of jitter. This is a very bright and colorful series.
I am being a bit generous with my score here due to the fact that I was not able to check these disks on a high def setup. Plus we kind of have to set the bar low for MAC and EZ lately. I miss the good ol days.
Episodes are split:
01-12 disk 1 - dvd9
13-18 disk 2 - dvd5
19-24 disk 3 - dvd5
Clear and crisp audio. Normally I would post the bitrates, but my dvd drive is on the fritz, so this review is all based off tv viewing.
Clear and crisp audio. Normally I would post the bitrates, but my dvd drive is on the fritz, so this review is all based off tv viewing.
EZ vs MAC: It appears EZ either ripped from this set, however the EZ set suffers from missing segments at the ends of episodes 6 and 14; which I am sure where caused by bad layer shifts. I noticed a simular error in my EZ release of Burst Angel, which I am sure came from the same batch.
Disks: I am not sure if MAC released a 2 disk set before this one, as the information page lists only 2 disks, but the set I recieved in fact had 3 disks. Disk art is colorful and sharp with the usual hollowed, silver title logo.
Box Art: The box art is very nice. Deep red with the usual background art on each panel.
Extras: Only a picture gallery with character sketches and bios.
Level: 5
Reviews: 26
Experience: 39,502
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