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Reviews for Initial D 4th Stage Part 1
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 3.0 out of 0
Rating of 1.0 out of 0
Rating of 2.8 out of 0
Very good video transfer
Very good audio transfer
Very good audio transfer
Fantastic apart from the subtitles, please hurry up and release a perfect edition!
Level: 1
Reviews: 1
Experience: 549
This review has not been rated yet.
29 Jan 2006 20:42:21
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 2.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Great video quality here. Rich colours and a total absence of pixellation make it a joy to view from beginning to end.
Every sound is captured in all its glory to be totally enjoyed in good old fashioned 2.0 stereo sound. I thought that the opening song sounded a little muffled in a few parts but when I checked it against all the other openings I found that it was just the way the song was recorded. Given the high quality of the sound throughout the entire series I can't imagine the muffled sound was a result of the encoding by EZDVD
Every sound is captured in all its glory to be totally enjoyed in good old fashioned 2.0 stereo sound. I thought that the opening song sounded a little muffled in a few parts but when I checked it against all the other openings I found that it was just the way the song was recorded. Given the high quality of the sound throughout the entire series I can't imagine the muffled sound was a result of the encoding by EZDVD
This set felt like it was slapped together in a hurry. The menu is easy enough to understand but very basic. There are no chapter breaks during the episodes following the intro or at the halfway point. Even the chapter breaks between episodes are sloppy so that when you skip to the next episode you end up seeing the very tail end of previews from the previous chapter. I recommend this set for people who like having a nice box on their shelf and absolutely can't wait for the R1s to be released (or for someone to make a HK set using some of the fansubs that are out there for this series). This is roughly the first two thirds of the fourth stage of the series. As I write this Episode 18 is the most recent episode to have been broadcast in Japan. Getting your hands on these 14 episodes now is pretty nice given that most people in North America are going to be waiting at least another year... if not longer before they will be available through R1 channels.
Level: 12
Reviews: 137
Experience: 351,263
100% (3) found this review useful
02 Oct 2005 18:09:08
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 2.0 out of 0
Rating of 3.3 out of 0
The video was fine. I didn't notice any pixelation but I wasn't watching it on a wide screen television.
The car sound effects were authentic and sounded very good. The music has improved and really fits into the show. It doesn't feel like you are watching a music video anymore.
The car sound effects were authentic and sounded very good. The music has improved and really fits into the show. It doesn't feel like you are watching a music video anymore.
There is a quick screen shot of the "Second Stage" in the DVD menu. At first I thought I bought the wrong DVD set. Wait for a "perfect" set.
Level: 1
Reviews: 3
Experience: 1,417
100% (3) found this review useful
29 Sep 2005 20:14:01