I found the video to be quite adequate. Not quite as sharp as most dvd's but no less than I expected. Ive seen no detectable artefacts while watching, and the only problem ive noticed is the unmistakably blurry pre menu opening; showing the names of the publishers. The beginning bode ill of the rest of the dvd when I popped it in, but I was quite surprised at the difference in quality.
Audio seems pretty spot on. Ive noticed little in the ways of imperfections in the stream. Audio is crisp and vibrant, not the best but impressive none the least. Once again the opening before the title screen is a big initial letdown, having poor quality; but once you get past that theres no problems.
Audio seems pretty spot on. Ive noticed little in the ways of imperfections in the stream. Audio is crisp and vibrant, not the best but impressive none the least. Once again the opening before the title screen is a big initial letdown, having poor quality; but once you get past that theres no problems.
Overall I would really reccommend this series. Its very well paced, with a great deal of backstory, and heavy on the action. The voice actors do and admirable job fufilling their roles and the animation is clean. I love the opening music, even though im not quite sure if it fits the plot in any way. My biggest letdown overall would have to be not buying it sooner, a great buy!
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