Video - Well, to be honest, the video strongly depends of if you are watching KareKano on a "pure" DVD player or on the DVD-Rom of your PC. On a DVD Player the quality is noticeably higher, and the lower rez of a TV will hide some little bugs of the encoding.
DVD player - 4,5/5
Sugoi desu! Colors are crisp and brilliant, nearly perfect, the animation is very nice and there's very few missing frames (but, let's be frank: When there's a missing frame, YOU'LL NOTICE IT). There's a little "trembling" between frames, too, but it's almost unnoticeable unless you are so picky (as on my case :D)
DVD-Rom - 3.5/5
Not so "sugoi", but anyways cool. The trembling is more noticeable and the higher rez of a PC monitor makes the video a little blurrier. Also, there's the fatidic "VHS bars" on the bottom (and sometimes on the top [And sometimes both :S] of the screen, although this is obvioulsy NOT a VHS rip, but a DVDRip or, more likely, a LD rip. Newayz, very cool. It's worth the munny.
PS: If you notice some funny flickering, just lower the contrast on your TV. There's a little conflict between the subtitling and the image, and that's the best way to solve it :D This doesn't happen on a LCD screen.
Sound - 4.5/5
The BSO is really wunderbar. I really love it. It sounds kinda Marmalade-boyish sometimes, and kinda Typical-comedy-of-gainaxish some other times. Newayz, I don't like the seiyuu. Arima has a pretty frickin'-dickin' strange voice. I really hate him when he asks "Miyazawa-san?"
Changing the subject, during all the series, the sound is peak quality, although sometimes the music goes too loud and it's a little dificult to hear the characters, specially Yukino, who is really soft (When she is on mode "Lovely Yukino" :D) and has a sooooo sweeeeet and looooovely tune of voice.
Subtitles - 4/5
There's some trouble with the subs, but overall they're pretty OK. Anyways, timing is such a problem. You must make your mind that you will hear Asaba talking and you will READ Yukino talking. But, when you read something funny, just change the chip and wait :D It's easy when you try.
Also, there's some misspelling, but not so much. There's no such things as calling Yukino Iukino, Arima Arina or Asaba Azaba :D but there's strange ditto marks that sometimes appear and sometimes not. I really don't catch what are that ditto marks doing in there...
Overall (not an average) 4,5/5
Well, what to say? one of my most-favourites anime of all times. Humour (bunches of it) love (lots of it :D) and even a bit of sex (just... 10 seconds? Arima, go see the doctor :D I'd do) Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou has everything! And this set is just the perfect option for everyone that doesn't want to buy the expensive R2s or the prohibitive R1s.
Level: 2
Reviews: 3
Experience: 4,316
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