Angel Sanctuary is a long running Manga series in Japan that has been crammed into 3 breakneck speed OVAs. The show features some kickass art and great animation, along with a fitting and, occasionally, haunting soundtrack. The story itself is abrupt and very fast moving (haven't they learned? long manga in less than 2 hours is BAD.) yet oddly entertaining from what I could understand (more on this later). The show on a whole is extremely entertaining and comes highly recommended - especially for those who won't jump to conclusions and can accept an open ending (like more OVAs, it tells a small part of the greater Manga story, but as such - is nothing more than a few issues animated - moves briskly but doesn't have a complete or even partial ending.) but still a HIGHLY recommended show.
This disc is a beaut. Many, MANY, region 1 discs i've seen haven't even looked this good - everything is very sharp with minimal rainbowing and very bold color, there are no real complaints to be had (note: screenshots are severely downsampled for numerous reasons.) This is a dark, gothic-style (sort of...) show and much of it is dark, by this I mean - there is a lot of dark coloring/black, which is usually when artifacting is the most prevelant, but they were NOT present in this disc, I was quite impressed to say the least.
Excellent soundtrack, great voice acting, and a clear quality. There is nothing - that i've noticed - wrong w/ this disc as far as audio goes.
Well, two out of three ain't bad. Okay, yes, yes it is. The subs on this disc are really bad, it's as if the subbers went to, and ran the Japanese -> English translator on the disc. While not the worst subs i've seen (yes, i'm afraid there are worse cases of engrish out there), they suck royally. The only thing that surprised me about the subs, was that it didn't say "Indeed." after every sentence, that definitly shows progress as far as HKDVDs go. The show is understandable with these subs, but they pass by the screen too quickly many times (split second speed) and are often mispelled, and of course, plauged with horrendous grammar.
Very nice A/V overshadowed by atrocious subs. Damn shame. Get the R1.
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