Nanako Kaitai Shinsyo Medical Comedy Love Action
Animation Japan International Inc. (K)
DVD-019-E [Box Set]
This title supplied a BOUNCINGLY good time. Somewhere past the halfway point they show a picture of Nanako on a laptop, with NANAGO promptly displayed, so I really think the main characters name is supposed to be Nanago instead of Nanako. The story was interesting, there were many TWISTS and TURNS and plenty of TITTILIATION thanks to Nanako.
Looked great in my Apex DVD player and Pioneer DVD-ROM. I think this is definetly a RIP. There were no JIGGLES, just a very small glitch in a non-important part, I really think it is just my DVD.
Sounded great on my systems. Stereo. Pretty good sound effects. *JIGGLE JIGGLE*
*BOUNCE JIGGLE REPEAT* Plenty of fan service, definetly my kind of title. Bras, panties, old men checking out panties, etc. Funny in some parts, and the story wasn't too mindless. Nanako's voice actress was a little annoying to me, her voice just didn't seem to fit Nanako, but she did a pretty good job. It seemed like there was a lot of English used, such as "Morning!" They used 3D CG near the end of the ending theme. Also, there was no opening theme. There were also extras on both discs. There were some trailers for Nanako and other anime, and the big thing was a bonus art gallery.
The subs were great. Probably a RIP.
If you are looking for a good SET, then GRAB this up and try to SQUEEZE it in.
Level: 10
Reviews: 31
Experience: 183,388
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