The video here was either a poor R2 rip or a ok LD rip. There are alot of dropouts and the colors aren't as sharp as you would expect for a professional DVD release.
The sound wasn't that sharp, you could here some fuzz in the background....sorta like when you turn the volume too high, that kinda sound [dunno exactly how to explain it] anyways this problem occurs throughout the set.
The sound wasn't that sharp, you could here some fuzz in the background....sorta like when you turn the volume too high, that kinda sound [dunno exactly how to explain it] anyways this problem occurs throughout the set.
IF you wanna desperately watch Orphen revenge, you should get this, since there is no other version currently out in english [I have heard that it will be released pretty soon on R1 though]. Otherwise, don't, you will really have to strain to understand what is said here...its not really worth the money.
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