Ok, I have only watched the first 4 eps of this set...
Video Quality - 4.9 out of 5, It's pretty good really, but It was taken from digital fansubs from "Slow as Hell" anime. I also don't like the fact that these people love sticking their damn logo here and there on the top of the screen. Like we don't know it's by them! Why do they insist on putting it there?
Audio Quality - 5 out of 5. GREAT! No complaints here!
Subs - 4.5 out of 5, few misspellings and time problems. Taken from "Slow as Hell" fansubs.
Menu - The main menu is HORRIBLE. HORRIIIIBLE. The worst thing I have ever seen. They have a horrible excel saga pic in the background, and three things in english, "Play all", "Chapter" and "Subs". It's really hard to read because in between each letter of the word, there is a ball or world. It's reallllly obnoxious.... Like so : P@l@a@y a@l@l@
Extras - Not to my knowledge....
Anime studio, never gain.....
The end! Hope you liked my review :D
Level: 2
Reviews: 6
Experience: 7,345
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