X TV: 1 - 4 (AS)
Publisher: Manga Int.
Disc Count: 1
Episode Count: 4
Extras: None
Reviewed: (02/20/02)
I have been long awaiting this since I saw the OVA about 3 months ago fansubbed. This show is a 26 episode series, and represents what the movie should have been rather than a 2 hour summary of a long running manga. But most of you already knew that, ne? Anime Studio gained a lot of redemption in my eyes over this title, after their butchering of NOIR and ZOE with those crappy 1 - 6 discs, this was a huge surprise, and I have to eat my words about this when I heard about it's coming out.
Packaging: A rather simple single DVD case. Standard for a single DVD. I like the picture and the box looks really good. They probably took it from the R2 release I'd assume.
Video: Surprise.. VERY GOOD, possibly even a DVD rip. The only problem I really noticed was the "red" problem. I have no technical term for this other than the really RED red.. blood red is best I can say, can become very pixellated on a bad encoding. The intro suffered severely from this because of lots of red in it. During the show though, I rarely noticed the problem, which might have also been attributed to the fact that it's done with a heavy amount of blacks and greys. Overall, an excellent video job if you can ignore the red problem.
Audio: While the video was really good, this turned out very plain. Most likely coded in regular Doulby 2.0. It came thorugh clear and easy to hear. No volume problems either. Just did not have that punch that 5.1 has. Overall a good audio track, just nothing impressive.
Subtitles: The subs were actually "VERY GOOD" just like the site stated on this release. I am not sure if they borrowed some of it from fansubs, because it suffered from the regular problem of "strange word choice" every now and then. It also has the Chinese versions of the names. Kamui was turned into Shenwei, and Innuki (the dog) became Quipan, or something. I found it easy to ignore the names though since I had seen the movie. The only complaint I really had about it was that they didn't sub either of the songs, oh well. Overall, a surprisingly good job, while these were almost definitely chinese scripts they were rather good, and only once or twice did something not come through in the translation.
Content: Everything was left in tact, much to my enjoyment. Each episdoe intro and credits were here. Only thing that "might" have been missing was the preview section, but this I had no fansubs or anything to go off of, there might not have been a preview scene. Other than that, everything appears to have been left in in it's entirety.
Chapter Breaks: Full length episode chapter breaks. I could have wanted for more, but since it's X TV I didn't really need to take breaks either.
Overall, a surprising output from AS. This is showing leaps and bounds of improvement over when they pulled this with NOIR and Zone of the Enders. This release shows a high quality and other than a minor video problem and some small sub problems was an overall good release. I am having to eat my words from earlier when I predicted this would suck, and happy that I have to at the same time. I can't wait for the their next "5-8" DVD they have on their site to be released.
And that's my 2cents.
Joseph Henderson
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