Decent quality, althought certainly not perfect. During all of the movies, there is one point where the frame goes very far off the screen for a split second, and I do mean a split second. It's so quick I had to slow it down to the slowest speed of my dvd player- frame by frame- to make sure I wasn't just imagining it. I wasn't, it is there, but it's only for a single frame, barely noticeable considering it runs at 4-5 frames per second. Other than than, flawless.
No problems with audio on this set. Everything comes through loud and clear and resonates nicely.
No problems with audio on this set. Everything comes through loud and clear and resonates nicely.
The gatefold box this set has is beyond beautiful. As opposed to the other sets, which are a dull silver all over, this set it very colorful and brilliant all over. Each disc is printed in full color on the entire front surface with a picture for each movie and the title in big letters. The box wastes no space, for all six discs are held on one face of the cardboard, with large images that correspond with each disc displayed through the clear-plastic disc holders. The gatefold is very sturdy and the plastic holders have not come apart from the cardboard backing in the seven months I have had this set, which is a sure sign of high quality given the nature of most box sets. HK's usually have beautiful but flimsy boxes, but not so with this one. Definatly worth the priceI paid for it.
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