This has great quality! It is a perfect R1 rip. There was no macro blocking, pixelation, etc...
The video quality was amazing considering the fact that they put the first four episodes on one disc, and the last nine episodes on the second.
Having rented the R1s and watched it in both the english and japanese dub, I can say that the audio (much like the video) is a perfect R1 rip as well. It is crystal clear and does not go out of sync.
Having rented the R1s and watched it in both the english and japanese dub, I can say that the audio (much like the video) is a perfect R1 rip as well. It is crystal clear and does not go out of sync.
Viewing Equipment: This was viewed on a Sony 28" TV using a Panasonic DVD player.
Extras: The extras were nothing special... A bunch of trailers on the first disc and only one trailer (for Haibane Renmei) on the second.
Other: This is quite a great set. I would reccomend it to anyone who likes a story as opposed to action.
The story line is extremely well done and the ending is left heavily up to your religion/ beliefs. Unfortunatly you are going to be left with many questions at the end. Questions that will not be answered by the ending. :(
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