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Reviews for Mahoromatic Second Season Perfect Collection
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Because my setup is not nearly as high quality as some (i.e. a PS2 and a 19" set), I'll just say that the DVD itself performs superbly in delivering bright colors and a minimum of blurring and pixelation. The only problem I had was on the second episode of disc 2 when the scene froze for half a second at the beginning of the episode and then immeadiately picked up again. It continues to do this, but it might simply be my copy. Now, speaking for the series itself, I cannot emphasize how beautiful an anime this is. Production value is very high, and (even more importantly) consistent throughout the entirety of the series. The flow of sequences from action to drama to comedy is well supported by the visual effects that range from stunning detail to comedic deformities. All the while you can still see the singular visual style that binds the series together. Frankly, a must see for anyone who values anime as basically a visual media.
DVD had no problems that I could percieve. Good japanese voice actors for the original track, each definitely had very distinct characterizations in mind. And while I'm definitely a Sub-enthusiast, I must say the Dub did not suck very much at all. With the possible exception of Slash, The English voice over was not near as cheesy as it could been given the jokes contained therein.
DVD had no problems that I could percieve. Good japanese voice actors for the original track, each definitely had very distinct characterizations in mind. And while I'm definitely a Sub-enthusiast, I must say the Dub did not suck very much at all. With the possible exception of Slash, The English voice over was not near as cheesy as it could been given the jokes contained therein.
I really enjoyed the first season of Mahoro, and the Second season did not disappoint. Well.... OK, so maybe it did. The real reason I wanted to write this review is to express my opinion that the ending to this series SUCKED. Anyone who is familiar Mahoromatic knows that each episode ends with the countdown to Mahoro's inevitable demise. This in itself I have no problem with; as a matter of fact I thought the story was superb all the way up until the next to last episode. However, the EXTREMELY dramatic shift in Style, Mood, and Substance in the episode that essentially performs the task of wrapping up loose ends is inexcusably arbitrary, as if the story writers felt the need to switch genres at the last minute. I can see the conclusions the series comes to as acceptable, but how they are presented is simply too much to believe. (What the Hell is with Ms. Shikijo?!) Now don't get me wrong, I still fell that you need to buy this anime as it totally rocks (Band march and all), but do yourself a favor and stop just before the last episode. The episode before it could be seen as a poetic ending, were it not for the fly ball to left field that follows it. Then again, maybe it's just me...
Level: 3
Reviews: 4
Experience: 8,549
100% (3) found this review useful
26 Aug 2004 22:48:37
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
Video was excellent. The first DVD being an direct rip was perfect (They also removed the Pioneer labels and FBI warnings, unlike in the first season DVD rip). The second DVD was just as good except for a few minor pixelations (in the beginning of episode 5, theres a slight stutter at the beginning of the episode). Overall, beautiful animation.
Magnificent. Everything was in sync and both Japanese and English tracks were equally volumed and well balanced. Stick to the Japanese tracks tho... the girl who plays Mahoro's english dub is very soft and unenthusiastic at times, and the shrill nasal voice of Keitaro (Love Hina) haunts us again in the form of Suguru. -_- Sound was simply amazing...
Magnificent. Everything was in sync and both Japanese and English tracks were equally volumed and well balanced. Stick to the Japanese tracks tho... the girl who plays Mahoro's english dub is very soft and unenthusiastic at times, and the shrill nasal voice of Keitaro (Love Hina) haunts us again in the form of Suguru. -_- Sound was simply amazing...
Sidenotes: * I mentioned a new form of FX packaging in my first season review of Mahoromatic, but for those of you who haven't read it.. here it is once again: "...Theres different versions of this set going around. The 1st version is a folded 2 DVD box set, such as many of the FX, MAC, and AC sets you see. The 2nd newer version is a semiclear DVD case, with 2 DVD holders inside instead of one. It has the same boxart and front/back covers as the folded set, but the folded set has a flap including an episode list of the 1st season. The newer DVD case doesn't have it, but I prefer it over the standard folded cases. I think FX may possibly use this new method as a standard for future anime series to come (but don't take my word for it =P)..." * The menus are great... The first disk is a direct rip so it's perfect... As for the second disk, instead of redoing the flaw in the first season (check 1st sidenote in my Mahoromatic first season review), FX merged two R1s and created its own menu so you can access all the episodes at once instead of having to reset the DVD. I'm probably just confusing you by writing this out.. but once you get both seasons of Mahoromatic on DVD, you'll understand what I mean. * I failed to mention in the first review that between the ending theme and the preview to the next episode, there are little poetic filler scenes called "Satellite Poems" (or as the japanese narrator pronounces it "sat-eh-lite po-em-a"). In the first season and the first disk of second season, they were separated into individual scene selections. In the second disk of second season, they are merged in with the ending theme sequence. Another nonsense thing I noticed, but hope someone finds this useful. =P * I enjoyed this season of Mahoromatic as well as the first. It's more serious... more action filled but also more loving.. and more emotional... although the first half of the last episode didn't agree to my liking, the series, and even the ending, was thoroughly satisfying. If I could change one thing about this series, it'd probably be to lower the fan service... by a LOT. Haha.. but all in all, this is a great story.. Buy this series.
Level: 5
Reviews: 16
Experience: 33,164
100% (3) found this review useful
17 Jul 2004 23:35:58
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
Video quality of this set is very good! Although I notice a little pixelation in a couple of scenes, nothing major from enjoying this great dvd. Perfectly ripped. Sharp, crisp, and pretty much clear. Honestly, I love it. I think you would to!
Audio is beyond excellent! Its practically perfect. Perfect audio tracks, Has both english and japanese dialogue. I'd rather listen to the japanese dialogue since vice acting in english kinda sux. Overall, completely enjoyable!
Audio is beyond excellent! Its practically perfect. Perfect audio tracks, Has both english and japanese dialogue. I'd rather listen to the japanese dialogue since vice acting in english kinda sux. Overall, completely enjoyable!
This dvd set is worth the money, down to the single penny. Casing for it is excellent. A jewel, clear dvd case that holds 2 dvds. Cover art on case and dvds is just lovely. If you dont know much about this anime. I recommended watching it because it is that damn good! Wacth the first season first though haha. Mahoromatic is definetly a keeper and is recommended to wacth to all anime fans. This set overall is EXCELLENT!
Level: 3
Reviews: 18
Experience: 11,435
This review has not been rated yet.
28 Mar 2004 17:44:39
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
The first disc (the one with only 4 episodes on it) was a perfect R1 rip. I'd give that one a full 5 rating for video quality. The second disc (the one with 10 episodes on it) gets a 4.25. It's still very good, but in heavy action scenes things get a bit pixelated, but even so that's only for a few seconds at a time, and there has to be a lot of action or speed lines on the screen to see it. It's the best you're gonna get with 10 episodes on one disc. The video is anamorphic, and looks very nice on a widescreen TV.
Pretty much as good as it gets. I didn't notice any distorions at all in the Japanese track (spot checked the English but the voice actors were causing some blood to drip out of my ears). Good, crisp, clean audio.
Pretty much as good as it gets. I didn't notice any distorions at all in the Japanese track (spot checked the English but the voice actors were causing some blood to drip out of my ears). Good, crisp, clean audio.
The first season of Mahoromatic was nice and fluffy fun. Not too deep, but great characters whom you really come to like. This, the second and final season, starts off the same as season 1, but gradually unveils a larger conspiracy and major problems with the world that Mahoro and Suguru live in. Just what is Saint's purpose? What exactly is Vesper? What is Mahoro for that matter? What/who are Management? Lots of new things come into play in these 14 episodes. The ending was very satisfying to me (though I can see how some people wouldn't like it due to what happens to certain characters). I whole heartedly recomend Mahoromatic. Both seasons 1 and 2. Probably the best cyborg/maid/alien show ever (there are a lot more in this category than you might think).
Level: 5
Reviews: 40
Experience: 31,063
100% (1) found this review useful
25 Mar 2004 13:52:54