In his dream, Hikaru, a young high school student, sees a young girl who tells him that he is the savior that she has been waiting for. Hikaru talks to his grandfather and his sister Miyuki in order to find the meaning of his dream. One day, Hikaru tries to destroy a doorlock
in one of the school premises in order to find the answer to his question. Then Nagisa, a girl from the fencing, surprised him and tells her about his dream. They both enter the room but nothing is there.
Then, Nagisa and Hikaru finds a hidden passeway that leads them to a huge room with a large stone in the middle. The stone opens up and the girl in Hikaru dreams appears. A earthquake follows and they both waked up in a unknow land. Nanami, from the archery team and Ayaka the school nurse also got sucked in the unknow land. They tried to find a way out but to no avail. Finally, they meet Amatera, the girl in Hikaru\'s dream and tells them to Hikaru, the savior and his companion Nagisa, Nanami and Ayaka to save their land from the Oneiga (demon race) before it\'s too late. However, she mentionned that they are supposed to be four companion to aid to savior for his quest.
Who is their last companion ?? Is Hikaru really the savior ?? Will Amatera and her people finally get rid of the Oniega ??