This looks like a R1 dvd and then some!!. Probably the best video I have seen in an anime dvd in a long time!!
Has 5.1 and 2.0 japanese audio tracks, need I say more!
Has 5.1 and 2.0 japanese audio tracks, need I say more!
The subtitles aren't that horrible in my view. I understood everything that was going on, sometimes it was hard but nothing to give you a headache. I've seen soo many horrible subtitled anime sets and this one is passable.
The series isn't as big a deal as I thought. Sometimes I fell asleep watching it. Some episodes kick major ass and some are boring as hell, and sometimes the subtitles don't help to keep interest. Its not like the movie at all but it stays true to the manga. Also the boxset says that it has english and japanese language but it doesn't, guess it was a print error. The boxset looks great including the discs.
If you can't wait ti'll the R1 dvds to come out, or wait till cartoon network airs it ( yes, the will later this year! ) the get this set only if you find it cheap ( lets say $15 to $20 ).
The special features on this set are great, it has director and voice actor interviews which I found to be really great for a non-R1 dvd set!!
If your not a hardcore Ghost in the Shell fan then skip this series AND set. If you are a hardcore fan I suggest you try to find the fansub version, but if you don't then get this.
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