I wished the video was better for this release. Thee is a compressed feel through out the film but is mostly notice able in the darker scenes. The high action scenes pose problems because the film pixallates heavily at times. Other then the things I metioned above this film is beautiful one of the most original I've seen in a while. I love the animation stlye and the colors. This film reminds of berserk in a way. From what i heard in the interviews in the extras this film was a bastard to animate because of the high detail used. Very unique title, the fact that most men in this fil are wearing g- srtings did detract from the the fim experience at all it was actually kind of amusing.
Great audio is present on this release. I found my self enjoying the english dubb very much. The english voices match more than the japanese voices, maybe be it's because of the animetion style? i also preferred the english dubb translation more just because it elaborate much better the Japanese Dubb. I think the difference between the dubb track is marginal. Audio is very repectable on this release.
Great audio is present on this release. I found my self enjoying the english dubb very much. The english voices match more than the japanese voices, maybe be it's because of the animetion style? i also preferred the english dubb translation more just because it elaborate much better the Japanese Dubb. I think the difference between the dubb track is marginal. Audio is very repectable on this release.
As soon as i started this film I could not stop watching untill the end. The title is loosly based off the historical events of Alexander the great so it was interesting to see all those famous name I've heard about history class. Action scenes are are great to watch. The women are beautiful, they all look either a little underfed or they've been working out for a while. The men are sporting some fashionable G-strings. I thought for a second if this fashion style caught on it would make the world much more interesing place. Gotta love the elphants. I think what makes this film stand out from all the others is the art style. if you've seen aeon flux and liked it then you won't be dissapointed on this film; same guy did the art. This film was great from top to bottom, good adaptation from the historical events, and It never felt boring. The films ended with a little mystery but thats good, believe me. Don't get wrong there is a big climax and there is a resonable ending but (Spoiler) so I won't say it. I recomend this film just to get away from the monotony of some of the, well most all of the other anime films out there. Good stuff.
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