One day, a D1 is wrecking havoc in Tokyo Jupiter. Ayato Kamina, a young student, tries to get help as his friend were hurt on the train. Then he meet Haruka Shitow, a female member of the Terra Organization who rescued him from her mom\'s hechman. During the fight, one of them is injured and blue blood appears from his face. Haruka tells him that she will tell him everything about the blue blood and Toko Jupiter. Ayato follows her than a mysterious voice resonnate from Ayato ear which lead him to a giant egg with a machine inside called the Raxhephon. Inside the Raxhephon, Ayato fight the D1 also called the Mulian race. Later, Ayato learned that he is a Mulian and not a human and he doesn\'t believed it. Who is really Ayato Kamina ??? Who are the Mulian exactly ??? Will Ayato find the truth about his past and love life ???