Video : The video here was very clean and looked great. The only place I found a problem with was in one of the later episodes. The video ends abruptly and returns to the main menu. I don't think any content was left out though, it was just the next episode preview and credits.
Sound: Stereo sound here was fine.
Subtitles: The subtitles were great. I did notice that at a few places, a line or two was missing, but it wasn't too distracting. Also, when there are two speakers at the same time, one line of the subs is just a black outline of the text while the other is white. It seems like they forgot to set the coloring. Other than that it was not too distracting.
This is a great series and this set is a quality release. Highy recommended.
Level: 2
Reviews: 10
Experience: 3,801
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