This series has always been considered the bastard child of the Gundam saga peolpe never seemed to enjoy it that much,I on the other had did enjoy it while it was not as good as 0079 I still liked it.
Video - 4/5 For the amount of episodes packed into the first 2 dvd's (the third has ten episodes while the foruth has 8) The only bad episode was the first one, but I think it is like this on other sets too.
Audio - 4/5 Great for most of the series I found some episodes had a minor hiss but nothing major.
Subs - 3/5 The subs were ok, but for some reason almost every sentence runs off of the screen.Names were ok for most episodes and you never missed what was going on.
Overall I think this is worth getting,I got mine on ebay for $15 but I was luck ive seen them run to about $30 if you pay over that for this release you are better off with the MI release.
Level: 1
Reviews: 1
Experience: 704
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