Talk about lucious and rich visuals. This is some of the best art direction I've seen in a while and the quality of the picture does it justice. The really amazing thing is that even with three hours of animation packed onto this disc, I didn't seen any macro-blocking throughout the entire disc.
Something that stands out about the audio of this release is that both the original Japanese soundtrack and the English dubbed soundtrack have the same volume levels. All the other reviews I've read have had a considerable difference between the two.
As far as quality goes, great stereo seperation, no hissing or buzzes. What more could you want?
Something that stands out about the audio of this release is that both the original Japanese soundtrack and the English dubbed soundtrack have the same volume levels. All the other reviews I've read have had a considerable difference between the two.
As far as quality goes, great stereo seperation, no hissing or buzzes. What more could you want?
This is an ok series. Not great not horrible... somewhere in the middle.
The visuals stand out quite a bit from other anime but the story is only ok. All the characters seem to be a little flat in my opinion and could use a bit more development. They tried to flesh things out with the last two episodes (which take place before the first four happen) but the characters still don't feel believable.
The action scenes are a joy to watch and there is a fair amount of fan-service here to keep teenage boys happy.
Probably the most impressive thing is that they include two trailers and a little bit of animation at the end in the extras section. I wouldn't have expected that from a release with this much video on the disc.
Level: 12
Reviews: 137
Experience: 351,263
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