I trully enjoyed Ayane's High Kick. The story does not have that much depth, but the story is a fun diversion. Ayane, the oddball coach, and the rest of the cast are not origional, but are fun nonetheless. Ayane and her friends have one of those sweet relationshipds that can be fun to watch no matter how many times you've seen it.
The art is sharp and colorful , as well as the character designs.
The only problem I had with the content was that it left me wanting more which I do not think was made. The best example I can give is One Pound Gospel.
Overall, Ayane's high kick has a zany plot with fun characters conbined with realistic fight scenes. Although I prefer having long series, Ayane's High Kick is still a great buy.
Level: 5
Reviews: 88
Experience: 44,777
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