For the most part the video was fine. The only part I noticed any pixelation was in the opening, it's pretty bad in that area, but still passable. The episodes themselves seem fine to me.
The songs were catchy, but certain voices just got to me in this one, and I have a VERY high tolerancy for bad voice acting.
The songs were catchy, but certain voices just got to me in this one, and I have a VERY high tolerancy for bad voice acting.
Chapters: Two chapters per episode, the split being right in the middle. They're all right, but it would probably be more useful to have the split right after the opening, where more people would probably use it. I know some people who watch the intro and the ending on the first episode and have done with it. I watched the intro all six times, though, so it wasn't too big a problem for me.
Menus: Your standard fare menus. The opening song going in the background and three options: Languages, Play Program, and Pick a Scene. The Languages menu totes some new language called "Janpanese" and inexplicably only has two options-English language and Chinese Subtitles or "Janpanese" language with English subtitles. If you want another combination, you'll have to make it yourself. The Pick a Scene menu has little hearts with previews of the chapter in them to help you figure out which one you want, which is always nice. Play Program does what you think it does.
Packaging: Black clamshell case with the R1 box art on front with the Japanese logo over the English logo. The back of the box is thankfully free from spelling errors.
Extras: Zip, zero, and nada.
Well this was an alright OVA series. It was packed with more fanservice than you can shake a PQ at and had its funny moments. There seems to be a bit of female degredation going on in the corner of Mr. Ramunes, so be aware. The story is semi-epic, and there is some pretty good tragedy but we all know it comes down to the fanservice.
Reviewed on: Sylvania DVD Player, Generic DVD-ROM
Level: 4
Reviews: 7
Experience: 18,809
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