SPRIGGAN, a Japanese animation film from director Hirotsuge Kawasaki, centers on Noah\'s Ark, a powerful artifact from an ancient civilization, that is discovered on Mt. Ararat, Turkey. The discovery sets in motion a diabolical plot by the U.S. Pentagon to claim the object as its own property. Opposed to the Pentagon is Arkam, an organization employing armored solders, including the film\'s protagonist, Yu Ominae, a teenager with superior reflexes. Yu must summon all his strength to defeat the Pentagon\'s operatives: agile Little Boy, the tank-like Fat Man, and the super powerful brain Captain MacDougal, who looks less than 10 years old. The action in SPRIGGAN will more than satisfy explosion enthusiasts, while anyone who follows the career of the film\'s supervisor, Katsuhiro Otomo (AKIRA), will appreciate yet another story of a psychic child, a leitmotiv in Otomo\'s work.